

Ask @wanderlustttt

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if you started a fashion blog years ago, you would be maragret zhang big by now!! Love your fashion sense, and personality. You are really pretty and articulate so I don't see why not!

aw im flattered, thanks for your kind words! This is actually my goal for this year so i guess its never too late to start

favourite song of ALL TIME

hard to pick 1 fav song of all time but for sure will never get sick of good ol' 90s music

Haha my mom is saying that the words, belive and harass is spelled "Bellive" and "harras" and she is a teacher. What would you say about that? xD


hey what's your nash half what??

born and raised in australia.
parents are both filipino so i'm no halfie

how would you describe thom? as an invidivual and as your partner

a selfless and loving individual. he will go out of his way to help others and wont complain about it.
a social butterfly. he likes to talk to others and sure knows how to keep a conversation going.
he is very very ambitious, that sometimes he cant control whats on his plate but thats why im here to help guide him and ensure he balances his time and effort for different things.

would you like to attend fashion shows in the future?

definitely. one day i hope to work back stage hngg

Post a pic of your bare feet ?

listen to my humps - mattybraps
hope your feet fetish is satisfied hahahaha

does thom still let you hang out with guys, heard he's overprotective?

don't know what you're hearing but no, he isn't overprotective. ofc he lets me hang out with my guy friends ^__^
Liked by: R O H A N ♔✔

how/where/when did you and your boyfriend meet?

how: yfc
where: we both attended a conference
when: back in july 2012

bet the person who asked you to show your fancy shoes wanted to say WHAT ARE THOOOOOSE

hahaha probably

haha why pass? lol just be random and go with it

not my type of thannnng that's so weird. may i ask why?


Language: English