

Ask @weepaulo

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I fancy my best friend but she keeps liking all the wrong guys. What should i do?

Nothing, you cant change who she likes :) value your friendship and find someone else to fancy, plenty more beans in the tin!

Are you up for a short term fling?

Not really :) pretty much had enough of those, want a relationship now

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What do you think of Fernando Torres' recent form?

ummm probably not very good see i dont really follow football these days

What is the most played song in your music library?

atm- kiss me by ed sheeran. just cuz i listen to it repeatedly before i fall asleep

Who are your top five hottest men in the world ?

i seriously have no idea whould have to think for ages soz :/

Do you think youll still be friends with your current friends in 5 years?

yeah definitely :) well my proper friends

How young a guy would you see?x

Well depends on the guy sure but two years younger would definitely be the limit :)

Do you believe that the answer to everything, and i mean EVERYTHING!!! is to sit naked on a bear and ride out to the sunset? =-O

Fuck yea! Haha :')

describe a perfect boyfriend?

hummmmmm. well. why do you want to know? obviously, adores me like crazy. without being clingy, cringy, too jealous, cheesy, poof-y, corny and shiz. but still likes to be cute. likes to do fun and crazy stuff with me, isnt lazy, takes care of himself, makes me laugh and has an awesome sense of humour, is honest to the point of telling me to shut up if i need to, or that i look awful if i do. is confident and takes the lead with some stuff. tells me to make a sandwich every now and again cuz i love cooking :p . tries to get to know me. is fit enough at least to go on a run with me every now and again. and oh, is physically attractive to me. doesnt have to be to anyone else :)

Wow quite a lot then. you have a dream job? x

something to do with PR in a big cool company where i get to travel a lot :) what about yours?


Language: English