

Ask @welovebam

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I don't think I should give out my school... but I could give you their instagram accounts if you want them ❤ and no they didn't tell me, I only found out after watching the show x

sorry but i don't have instagram. x
Liked by: Karolina.

idk... I think they were selected from school for being "clever" 😒 it's not fair, I wanted to do it! I didn't even know about it 😣

what is the name of your school? (tell me this just if you want)
your friends speak you of their participation at this play? :)
Liked by: Karolina.

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In the video that you just posted that said bars and mollydy, yeah? in the green team, they're some of my best friends from school and I was so jealous because they met BAM and I didn't 😂🙈 lmao @LeondreDevries

you're serious?
how have they been contacted for this play?
omg, they're so lucky... I hope you will meet them one day. :)

Quelle est la différence entre Jésus en vrai et Jésus en photo ? Jésus en photo y a besoin que d'un clou pour l'accrocher

alors soit t'arrête immédiatement de m'envoyer ce genre de question, soit je dévoilerais ton identité à tout le monde, en français, en anglais en polonais pour que tous mes followers puissent comprendre que quelqu'un m'envoient des blagues inapropriées. j'ai l'impression que c'est plutôt raciste mais on va dire que pour le moment je vais juste dire que c'est une blague stupide de ta part et que tu vs arrêter car tu as un cerveau. (ou pas?) si c'est le cas, je suis désolée mais je ne suis pas fan de tes blagues...

Oh yeah, how was the concert?! 💙

I'm really sorry for the late on this answer...
It was magic, I don't know how describe this moment...
I can't post pictures/videos of this moment like I've said the other day but if you want, I can try to tell you with details.


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