
Ratih Cahyani

Ask @wereallbuggered

Would you call yourself a “happy person”?

No, my attempt at happiness are mostly my me trying out the "fake it till you make it" theory.

What image do you have as your desktop background?

My laptop desktop is (currently) some motivational quote, but I'm slowly descending into the Milifandom I might as well change it into a picture of End Miliband's clay motion bitch face.

Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

Behind the Camera, really. I can't even pose.

What would you ask the President?

Are everything on House of Cards real? Like, for example, do you have camera follow you around so you can bitch about your job in front of people that are important on your job?

How do you spend most of your time on the Internet?

Tumblr, to be honest. Usually I blog about things I've seen or work on fiction prompts from r/WritingPrompts (working on that writing muscle), reading and sharing articles and recipes, procrastinating studying by reblogging study tips and stalking my "Tumblr senpai" like FrankJavcee, lord-kitschener and the-pietriarchy.

Language: English