
Rishi Nair

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Latest answers from Rishi Nair

dude i make my question unanon! LOL its not always me but i do like how dat anon typs :')

Kirthi Mohan
trudat but I'm lame and suffer from chronic lack of humorous material therefore I must call you out LOL

ooh, i wanna see ur poster :D are u gud at desine?

I'm aight Kirthana
It's so easy to tell when it's you
You have a specific jargon haha

do you think youll get into bw officer team?

Yes, but if I don't, there was no harm in trying! :)

kaddy stole yo girl.............yikes

watch me get 50 more questions asking the same thing, that's why I just answered this and the one b4 LOL

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