

Ask @winnienataliewong

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Your parents allow you go travel with David alone? That's cool

Meeting with bestfriends over in sg

I see your snapchat. He's so lucky to have you as a gf. And he's adorable, you're very lucky too 🙈


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You can go learn some cooking or making cakes yah. If you are interested

My mum can teach me how HAHAH 😍

Hmmm. If me I would recommend to do part time jobs, can earn money and to have your own money to spend what you like. Or travelling with family or friends? Or maybe you can try doing online business tho.

Maybe sleeping and gossip girl + pll 🌚 HAHAHAHA yeah I'm gonna work and err travel 💕 both friends and family ☺️ but thanks for the suggestions ✌🏿️

From Angry Birds, are you more Red, Chuck or Pig?

I want chuck (bass) from gossip girl can or not?
Jk I love my boyfriend more <3

What's your plan after A level?

Do more past year papers.
Kidding lol. Traveling and working part time or smth like that I guess. But for right now idk what to do like really. Any suggestions 😪😪😪

Hello. May I know how much the Kipling bag normally cost? Coz I plan to buy 😂

I can't rmbbbb oh no I'm sorry :( but it's above RM100 that's for sure ☹️

When you going to aus to process your degree?

Omg shit sorry I read wrongly HAHAHHAHA uhm might be 2019 like third year of my bachelor ☺️✈️

You change your old minin copper to a new one ah? Saw it at snapchat ☺️

Not change la, my dad bought another one 😂

Hi ☺️ May i knw need how many credit can entre international national A level ?

Errrrr that one I'm not sure :( but if you're in Kuching, Lodge international is the only school offering I think. And if you're a Lodgian it's so much easier because they prioritize Lodgians even maybe your results aren't as great :)

Do you use any thermo flask bottle to school? If yes any recommend which brand better?

Errr I don't use thermo flask bottle HAHAHA I use Tupperware LOLOLOL mainstream af. So like idk any brand for thermos, sorrry :(

Which bag of brand that you like?

Hmmmmm I dont actually have a lot of bags. But Kipling and MK are amazing.

Do you have a pet at home?

Yes I have a pet. Its a German Shepherd. And his name, Shepherd. My brother and I were too lazy to think of a name HAHAHAHAHAH.

What's on your bucket list?

Get into monash university and go on a vacation to NYC with my besties 🙏🏽

Any sg drama that you recommend ? 😍

Errrr uhmmmm a lot boh 😰 every one of them bloody nice ☺️☺️☺️


Language: English