

you're honestly the nicest person i've ever met on tumblr and you're gorgeous inside and out (i've seen your selcas so doN'T EVEN DENY IT) and i just want so many good things for you i hope your life is happy and i hope you are healthy and surrounded by lots of loved ones for all your years <3

Thank you so much jahsdaskjsahjskd I'm melting <3

Latest answers from Sofi

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don't ever fall in love

Do you dance like crazy when no one is looking? What music makes you dance the most?

yes i wait for everyone to turn around and then i start dancing

you're so good at editing. ;_; may i ask how did u make that background you have in askfm of lay? i have ps but idk how to make a bg like that >.<

im not good bb cries but thank you ;;
and i didnt make that background, its a wallpaper by khaenine and she has more on her blog! (you can also ask her shes really nice)

IM SO SERIOUS . I GENUINELY THINK I FORGOT SOMEONE. I'm gonna receive hate for this pffft. I'm confused at what km doing. I'm just writing porn. that's all

keep doing what u do friend you're really good ;u;

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