
♥ Charl★tte R¡chards♥

Ask @xEmoLottiex

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U should colour your eyebrows in, it would look nice :-)

Thanks, but I'd most definitely end up screwing it up and looking like a complete idiot.. lol

The proof is all over your Facebook wall, and you even said so yourself *i update a status every hour* And well of course you would find it incorrect as its aimed against you. ask other people, im sure anonymously they'd say they'd agree. Bye.

Hahaha. Getting wound up over facebook haha. Okay. Bye.

i'm not asking for you to reply though? so therefore im not an attention seeker as i do not seek any attention of you, and why would i? im just bringing forward a point, an opinion, which everybody has the right to do.

Yes you do have the right to an opinion, freedom of speach and all that but I simply find your opinion incorrect and with no proof, now im saying bye. So please if you have a life do not write anything else.. okay? Bye.

Why do you keep mentioning Facebook ? You must be sad if you want to continue arguing just to find out who i am? why would you care, why does my opinion matter to you? must be attention seeking.

Haha seriously. You think I'm the attention seeker? Seriously? You're the one that keeps saying pointless shit on my ask.fm when I keep saying bye, oh and if you don't know.. bye means stop talking and leave.


I bet you wouldn't say anything like this on facebook. You're wasting too much of my time now, go annoy someone else, bye.

Ironic how last answer you told me to learn how to spell when your spelling is just as bad. 'Carnt, it's can't bab, meen, it's mean bab' and cool, just saying. And oh how original 'Got your knickers in a twist' HA you're a comedian.

Haha. No. Okay. Bye. To scared to talk to me on Facebook. Haha.

i have a phone which logs me in everyday, for all day actually, and its 'mobile' so i can carry it round with me when i'm out. and why? why does spelling matter? i can type how i want to. just because i choose to spell like that doesnt mean i dont know how to spell at all.

Ooo, someones got there knickers in a twist. By the way, just because you don't like me writing status's on facebook doesn't meen I'll stop.

Yup i have about 800/900 but they go out with friends and hav a life. an i dnt have an account...SO YH

Well you obviously dont have a life then, just sitting at home on facebook, you see because thats the only way you'd be able to see my Facebook updates. By the way, please learn how to spell :)

UR the only one whos on my newsfeed who writes so many useless statuss of rather u moaning or boasting ... SO YH

You dont have many friends on Facebook then do you? :) come of annon.

u just said every hour... do you know how annoying that is?

Yh every hour if im actually doing something wich is like never usually I only write a status like 2 times a day, and if its that annoying, block my status updates, but I dont see how writing a status is so annoying ? Facebook is a website were people talk to other people via messages and write status' .. so. Yh

bullshit ur contantly updating usless status's , even every hour is too much jesus du hav a life?

No i don't. So before you start having a go at me get you facts write first :)

why do yuo update your fb status every 5 mins oml

I don't.. I write a status sometimes every hour but most of the time its like once or twice a day.. so. Yh


Haha, no.


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