
Gwendolyn Lim

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Hello! I'm sorry i know its been like 10 days and i've not been sending notes:(( but here i am now!! Merry Christmas and eat your heart out and hope you received many presents! I'm not able to give all of you physical presents but please tell me if i can do anything for you to make your day!??

awww thank you and merry christmas!??? people are being kind of shit but das okay

hellö!?so this will probably be the last note im sending out, since i'll be overwhelmed next year!?i hope these notes that ive sent out over the past year helped some of you, even in the slightest bit!?last quote before i go!☹"Every day may not be good, but there's smth good in every day?

aww okay:-( but all the best next year!??

F-E-A-R has 2 meanings: Forget Everything And Run Or Face Everything And Rise Its just a matter of persception and the choice is yours to make. Take the leap of faith! Side note MIGHT not be able to send notes for 7 days from now but i'll try my best?take care stay hydrated?Much Love for you!?

aww :-( but okay be safe doing whatever!:-)

Life is like a camera, focus on whats important. Capture the good memories, develop from the bad ones. And when things don't work out, take another shot. Don't ever be afraid to try one more time because who knows, that might be the last shot and it might work! Press on and stay smiley! Much love?


The same glass bottle can be used to store perfume can also be the same bottle to keep poison. So similarly, why keep anger, hate, or sadness in you when you can keep joy, love and happiness? Its not about whether you can or not, its whether you want to or not, be the one who wants to be happy!?


In the end, we only regret the things we didn't manage to do, the chances we didn't take. Treasure every moment and do what makes you happy because who knows what will happen the next day? Live it to the most and have fun and be happy! Take care and tell me if you need someone to talk to!Much love?

really appreciate the notes cause they remind me to cheer up even if im feeling a lil down

Everyone wants to be the sun to lighten up someone's life but why not be the moon to brighten in the darkest hour? i hope that this note is like the "moon" who makes your day good if it was bad! Remember that i'm always here if you need someone to talk to just tell me when you answer! Much Love!?

thanks :')

Be proud of who you are and not be ashamed of how someone else sees you. You might not see yourself highly but definitely don't see yourself lowly because its not a good habit and everyone is different in their own ways so be really proud of yourself because you're fantastic alright! Much Love!?

tenks:') also sorry i take so long to reply i wanna read everythung you send

Life is very unpredictable and what we felt that should happen might not necessarily go our way and what we thought was impossible might come true! Everything in life happens for a reason and so all you gotta do is just embrace it amd treasure it well! Who knows what gonna happen! Much Love!?

thanks youss??

Its been a long time since i did this and exam's finally over (actually over a month ago) and ya i finally decided to get back so yes ?anon is back and hope that y'all have been alright since June and nothing bad happened✌take care of yourself and drink more water and dont get sick! Much love!!?

awww haha thanks you:')


Language: English