

It's boy keeps messing me about,he's gone from me to another girl,then back to me then back at that other girl,and it's got to the point where I can't take it anymore,and I don't want to speak to him,but he messages me everyday, what can I say to him to stop him from speaking to me?

Just say 'Look, we can be mates and all that but you just need to know that it feels like you're messing me around a little?' and obviously he will say 'Why?' and tell him what you think? He seems like a bit of a snake, but i don't know him, so i can't really judge him, can i?, so just inbox him and tell him what you think, without putting it into mean words <3
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Latest answers from StayStrongx

I really like this boy but I don't exactly know how to make him like me back, I have a small feeling that he might because he said I was hot and mentioned me first out off all his friends on a question I want him toast ME out but I need help how to get him to? Tips please?:) ps I'm 13 next month!xx

Well, invite him round to your house, or lark out, because if he really likes you, he'll make a move:)<3

Every time I think of me and my ex French kissing I get this painful thing inside me and it makes me want to be with him more and more everytime I get it:( what does this show? Will I ever get over him? Are we meant to be together?

Your probably not over him yet, it will take time, mabye you just miss the memories you had with him?<3

I like this guy a lot, and he flirts with me and everything but he doesn't like me in the way I like him! What should I do?x

Stick friends, because in my opinion, most relationships end, but friendship hardly does <3

Why does it feel like I'm never gunna have a boyfriend?

Mabye because your self conscious and you think that you'll never have a boyfriend?<3

I have girlfriend but some girl i used to like still likes me and i stil like her but i really dont know what to do about it please help me??

If you loved the girlfriend you have that much, you will stick with her, if you don't like your girlfriend as much as the girl you like, and who likes you, then go for the girl you actually like, but most of the time, if you like someone, you get over it eventually, go for whatever you thinks right?<3

I am 13, and Iam certain that I'm gay, I always fantasize about this girl who i like, do you think this is normal? And how do i tell my friends and family that I'm gay, I'm scared that my parents will disown me, and that i will get bullied!?! HELP ME PLEASE! :'(

Well you could be bi if you find both attractive, you won't get bullied , trust me, but even of you did you should stick up for yourself !! You're parents should be proud of who you are, they won't disown you , don't worry about it , tell you're friends in person and then there likely to believe you more ,make it sound said you're serious and everything will be ok <3

I'm 13 and I haven't started my peroid, pretty much all my friends have, but yeah I'm pretty much fully developed though I'm 5'7, hairy, spotty, smelly, a c cup and a bundle of horrible moods, do you think I'll start soon? I really don't want to be the last person in my friendship group! Thanks xx

Ahah, you will start when you are ready, some people start even when their 15, some people start at 8 years old. You will just start when you're body is ready, and by the sounds of it, you're nearly there;) It's nothing to worry about <3

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