
Xiadani Vazquez

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Latest answers from Xiadani Vazquez

You look super grown up in your picture wow

ahah thank you? I'd hope to look a little older by now

truth is I love you more than life and don't know what I would do without your amazing advice ❤️❤️

love love love youuuu❤️❤️❤️

what do you do when you miss someone

depends on the person, but I usually cry, since I cry about like everything

Truth is you understand the stories I tell through interpretive dance and that's an amazing quality to have hahah and I'm so glad we've become friends this year!❤️

patrickcoughlin4’s Profile PhotoPatrick Coughlin
awwww you da best ❤️❤️ keep dancing man

how have you so suddenly become friends with Matt? he seems like such a tool

I'm sorry you think that!! Matt is honestly such a sweetheart, if you don't have a sense of humor then maybe that's why you didn't get along hahah

Who are you voting for as senior class president? (all the candidates suck hahah)

Ok hahaha first of all running for such a big position and knowing you'd have huge responsibilities is a super hard thing, so my respect for ALL the candidates.
Second: I don't need to share my vote on social media because it is my right to vote and keep my choice private.
Third: I don't think this is the right time for our class to start immature little rivalries against each other. we aren't going to achieve ANYTHING if we all bicker back and forth about who would be better and who "sucks". This decision is about picking someone we think would be helpful and responsible and mature and project our needs and voices to asb who VERY kindly helps do things FOR US at our school.
Yes, everyone has a right to voice their opinion, that's a legal right you have and no one can take that. All I'm saying is, being assholes to each other and shit talking candidates isn't going to do anything to make our last year enjoyable.

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