
Trinity Schubert(:

Ask @xotrinityyxo

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so the word "prep" has been used for my friend group for months and it's honestly a joke.
1, maybe we wear aero, hollister..etc because we want to and it pleases us? or because that's all the focus on stores now, you wear them too just saying. We don't all the time. Clothes don't matter.
2, "they basically only listen to mainstream music"? the definition of mainstream is popular and well known so yea we listen to the radio?😂 music doesn't define who you are.
3, "they make fun of people who are themselves also known as individuals" well I don't see us giving you guys a name defining who you are! and just saying the correct word for that is a bully not a prep.
4, "monkey see monkey do what ever preps see they follow" here's another one, don't live by the urban dictionary!
Just thought I should enlighten what you're calling a group of people with real loyal friends who did nothing to you!(: you know who you are

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What do you hate?

those posts that say "if I like you status I'm bringing you with me to 2016 but if I don't I'm leaving you in 2015" and when you ask someone a question and they say what and then answer?!?
Liked by: Gabriela Fernandes


Language: English