
hannah renee

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honest opinion - paris sambrooks :))

Where do I even start,
Your one of my best friends, I can be my complete self around you without getting embarrassed or shy hahahha
You are always so happy and you never give off negative vibes, absolutely love you to death for that. Your super duper pretty not to mention. We had a massive fight in year seven if I can remember correctly but I'm glad we got over that and made up before we drifted away. We have so many funny memories and I've known you for so so long. I can't believe that you've moved schools and I was so sad to hear that you were, but we can always hang out some other time. One of our funniest/scariest memories would have to be when you, me and juliet went to the hills at moffs a few years ago to eat some hot chips and that pedo guy kept driving past in that white ute watching us hahaha and then when he got out of it and started coming towards us, we like got so scared and went back down to the main beach part hahaha but anyway, love you to bits, best personality, miss you like crazy and I hope to see you soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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H/O Bree Thomas?

Prettiest girl, beSt body, nice personality, haven't seen you for ages but we went to primary school together :) x

have u evah had ur pssy eaten real gewd? slurped-up like wet raw fish with a wedge of lemon to cut the taste of slime?

Lol fuck off
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Would you ever get a piercing? Where?

Gettin the other side of my nose, my belly, my nipple :p maybe my triple helix and tragus and maybeee my tongue in a few years, have a bit of an obsession with piercings btw

Who is Ur favourite teachern in Ur school??

hahahha wtf don't have one but there's this fuckin hot as teacher


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