
ALICIA =^.^= ✌

Ask @xoxogossipkittensxoxo

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If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

no one. i wouldnt want anyone to die?

i want a full paragraph.

Shaun Quirke
shhhuuuaaany :) alright. your really caring about people you looked after me at veras and at the after party at loghans haha thanks for that :) . I recon your cool as to get onit with, been onit with ya a couply times now :). I like that i see you at the most random times and have a 5 second chat :). I like that your short like meh its cute c: . I like ya smile, and yah hair. I like that you gave me smokes once :) but then you said your not gona suport my habit </3 . I like that your friends with braiden and alek goodest cunts out!. I like that your a allround gc and I like that we have chats sometimes on faacey :) <3
long enough? :)
Liked by: Shaun Quirke

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

all my friends and water

Thoughts on peyton?x x you're perfection

omg shes fuccccking beautiful! like omfg jelly of her! her personality is amazing! shes a great mate always there for me and shes adorable! i really love her <3 shes the bestest ever xx
Liked by: peytonleecarson


Language: English