
Rossin and maddi

Ask @xthatxsoulxenthusiastx

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Do you think someone likes you and if you know for a fact they do ,, do you like them backkkk????

.....who is this

Do you prefer to be alone or around people?

I'd rather be around a select few real friends, over anyone else. But if it's not them, then I'd rather be alone

Do you prefer to ask questions or answer them?

I enjoy both, when handled positively and as long as the 2 individuals communicate truthfully

give a line from your favorite song))

Takin' sips from the fountain of youth
If you ain't heard about the kid then you out of the loop
As I'm sittin' back starin' at this world in my eyes
See out the window in my room that I'm hidden aside
I'm just a kid who stays speakin' his thoughts, talkin' his mind
Like a roller coaster but I stay along for the ride
Put my heart up on the page, and the song gonna cry
It's launchin' behind, the way you stand caught in a lie. ?????


Language: English