

Ask @xxamarcordxx

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What's your favorite tree? Or atleast the first tree that comes on your mind upon reading this. Hope you do have. Why is that?

RYE06’s Profile PhotoRye
it has that mystical vibe that keeps me so attracted to it.
Liked by: Rye jacob walse

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If you saw someone shoplifting, what would you do?

find the LP guy. did this once. had the police drop by at my workplace. it was like being in a movie set.

What is your idea of a romantic evening?

sitting next to each other doing our own thing and then having short breaks where we share that moment together. also, a conversation with a few beers or wine would be nice. dinner would be nice too. and long walks anywhere safe with just the two of us. and then cuddling.
yes, cuddling. or a long, tight hug
Liked by: jacob walse

Most nostalgic song for you and why?

RYE06’s Profile PhotoRye
most nostalgic? i can't say since most of the songs i have on loop have a corresponding memory or person or something that's very important to me.
Liked by: Rye

Where is the scarcest place you have ever traveled to?

it's not necessarily a specific place, but those places that used to feel familiar but are not anymore. you ask yourself what happened but you ran out of answers for it to make sense and feel familiar again.

If you were a different gender, what name would you want to have?

Jowlanduh lol
Sybil or Vanessa or something that sounds nice

I missed throwing group questions. Hahaha so here it is; What was the very first thing you forced yourself not to cry over, and how old were you when it occurred? (btw, the question came from one of J. Patterson's novel)

RYE06’s Profile PhotoRye
when I was young. it would always be when people would leave, either going somewhere or just disappearing from my life.
Liked by: Rye

Anong masasabi mo sa mga gays na mas prefer ang discreet, no-trace kaysa sa mga out na manly din naman?

we all have our own preferences. respect.
Liked by: Rye

Bc. of ur answers, I think I have a crush on you now. I'm bottom haha. u single?

i don't know who you are. lol it's scary
i'm seeing someone now. sorry.
Liked by: jacob walse

Though it is true that we can't choose the people who come into our lives, did u ever idealize of being partnered to someone with a specific profession/s? If yes, what profession/s? Any reason behind choosing that profession/s?

RRamwell’s Profile PhotoRamuel
not really into professions but more on interests.
i used to prefer guys who are good in the arts. i don't mind which kind as long as it's art. it just feels like we both have a common understanding of how much potential and passion we see in the world around us. and artists are sexy. :)
Liked by: Ramuel

Which quality in a man do you dislike the most?

liars. not just with men but with people in general.
but specifically with men, having to mask vulnerability with that annoying macho facade
Liked by: Rye jacob walse

When considering someone for potential romantic partnership, do you mind if he/she smokes? If yes, what's your preference?

RRamwell’s Profile PhotoRamuel
i do not mind at all. i used to think it's better if he does because we both smoke and it's easy to bum cigarettes from him than with any other person. lol
Liked by: jacob walse Ramuel

Do you miss someone online? If that so, why?

yes because he's thousands of miles away from me.
i wake up at 3am just to get to talk to him and it makes me forget the distance :)
Liked by: Rye

Do you believe that love comes to those who believe in it?

RRamwell’s Profile PhotoRamuel
yes. because love is love when you acknowledge its presence in your life. if you don't believe in love, then you just see it as a different emotion other than love.

What impresses you more, great face or great body?

RRamwell’s Profile PhotoRamuel
a great mind. it's really important to me that the other one is intelligent and rational. i can't deal with people who don't know how to think.
a great face might be of help too lol because I'm not really a fan of ripped bodies and swollen muscles.
Liked by: Ramuel


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