
will grayson

Ask @xxrayan_talebxx

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Have you guys ever had so many voices inside your head it is actually so annoying, and it feels like a pounding in your head that you just want to hit your head on the wall and hope to die?

yes all the fucking time...

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Thoughts on me

Muhammad Newman
you're amazing tbh
you can cheer me up so quickly and i love talking to you, you're always there for me when i need you and ur my red bull budddyyyyyy.
you're funny, cool, and cute, and just adorable af af
thankyou for being such a good friend, like really.... you dont know how much you mean to me <3
i know this is prettttyyyy short but yeah im like half asleep lol xxx

Respectable story?

True story(✔)
Girl: Babe, that girl who just liked your picture, delete her I don't like her.
Boy: Okay done babe :)
Girl: Don't go out anywhere!
Boy: Okay baby.
Girl: Don't talk to or text any girl but me.
Boy: I won't ever <3
Boy: Delete him, i don't like him.
Girl: But I've known him forever, he's like a brother.
Boy: Don't flirt with any guy babe.
Girl: They're not flirting. They're just being nice.
Boy: Don't add any guys please baby.
Girl: But they add me :o
This is unfair, Isn't it?
True story?


Language: English