

Ask @yoongminist

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If you could wish for something more important than anything else you could have wished for that you truly desire what would it be???

peace of mind.

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What are your favorite flowers?

rose, iris, gladiolus, camellia japonica, geranium, hollyhock, peony, cherry blossoms, pear blossom, peach blossoms... just to name a few.

Will you cry at your graduation?

no tears left to cry by then with all the tears im crying now lmao

What matters to you most - money, good looks or attitude?

attitude. hands down without a doubt its attitude that matters especially in the long run. It's the biggest turn off if someone has the shittiest attitude.
Liked by: Deborah

Thoughts on those who have crush on you??

I don't think anyone's got a crush on me but if that's the case wow I'm flattered

do you open up for people first or ??

no not really. Just depends on how comfortable i feel with them but it takes a while for me to open up
Liked by: Deborah

Do you think someone likes you and if you know for a fact they do , do you like them back????

I don't think someone likes me at the moment so.... there's your answer.

If you could have any view from your home, what would it be?

the skyline of the capital oh that would be marvellous

Does your name have a meaning?What is it ?🎤

probably does and idk i dont really bother to ask or find out rn

How do you feel about chocolate? Which is your favorite one and which one you want to try, but it's not time yet?

It's alright. Not too crazy about it but when I do want chocolate i lean towards dark chocolate

Who is the example of style for you?

umm zendaya i guess and instagram style bloggers like janicejoostema, koleendz, amrezy, desiperkins and katy aka lustrelux

What does friendship mean to you? What should your friend be like? Do you have a lot of friends?

Quality over quantity.
I prefer having a small number of close-knit friends that are trustworthy, honest, loyal, smart and people that I can depend on and vice versa over a large number of friends.


Language: English