

Ask @youkillmexo

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If you were to worship an inanimate object, what would you worship?

A knife... It is one..
Maybe a rock.

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If you had any power and any infomercial merchandise, what would they be and why?

Invisibility, cause it'd be cool...
I'd say shamwow but.. Y'know

Ok i want you to know your beautiful inside and out you are the nicest girl ive ever met and you should not listen to what anyone says stay strong emilee :)

Thank you so much! :)
It really means a lot, you have no idea. <3

What awords do u wanna win next year?

Honor roll, female athlete award, french award, history or geography..
Idk really atlease the honor roll

You don't need ask to post on someones ask.. I'm doing it right now... No profile.

Funny, cause dj is with me....
This was asked 26 minutes ago...
Dj doesn't know how to use ask

cause they should feel horrible about themselves. but just remember that at least one person thinks your beautiful , and gorgeous and intelligent and special and everything you don't see yourself as. lol i hope i made you feel a little bit better even if just for a little while ;)

Lol thanks a lot. :)

and i know how you feel,you feel like nobody truly cares about you, like theres really nothing you can do to change your past and the way people have treated you...you feel worthless sometimes... but you shouldn't. because you're beautiful <3 and i hope whoever treated you like shit is reading this

Thank you so much! <3

I know you are. Nobody does it to themselves... so many people are insecure about themselves and can't see themselves the way others see them, and unfortunately you're one of those people, because there are so many idiots who can't understand that what they say affects people.

I know, and it kills.

lol it doesn't matter who i am. im sure lots of people feel the same way, and they should. you don't need to feel bad about yourself when you're so stunning...

I'm sure lots of people don't, I know a lot of people say things like this.
But I do feel bad about myself cause people make me feel this way.
I've been through so much, and it haunts me and continues to this day.
People think I live the simple life.... I really don't.
But honestly, I really appreciate you saying that to me. I really means a lot <3

you're seriously so stunning. i don't understand how you could be as insecure as you seem. honestly people are so stupid... whoever made you feel the way you feel about yourself is an idiot. you're beautiful <33 i mean it.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! <3
I really wish I knew who this actually was..
So I could hug them and cry..

Wow, you like Michelangelo...I'm more of a Donatello kind of person. Oh well, your opinion. who's your favourite SpongeBob character?

Patrick duuuh

Why do you swear so much and act like a cool kid .....your not

Why do you go on anon and chrip people?
I don't act or think like a cool kid.
Just no..

You are actually like the most perfect person that I have ever met! You're gorgeous, nice, and care about everyone. Not many people are still like that. You hate me, but I wish that we could be friends. No one gets told enough how beautiful they are inside and out. I thought I'd let you know :)

Omg thank you so much! I bet I don't hate you thought!
Who's this tho :$


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