

Ask @yourLonelyEx

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Korg nih jenis mudah memaafkan or susah untuk memaafkan seseorang?

Senang memaafkan tp masih pendam and amik masa sgt lama utk memaafkan yg redha bebetul let go memang amik masa huhu

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Perempuan yg pakai baju ala crop top ni mmng mengidolakn superman ke cane?

Semua nya ok sahaja ikut keselesaan org tu haha

L:Aiman-man Saiful-epul Asyraf-acap P:Aisyah-mimi Syakirah-sai Iiman-putri *things yg smpaai skrng xleh relate

Mksdnya? Tak pehe

Ever dye your hair?

Keep changing the color until my hair is not healthy anymore. I have lost a lot of hair recently. I need a healty scalp i guess because i have used a lot of hair product to my hair and spray it when going out.

Cuba imagine kau tengah suffer emotionally, orang kata kau gila, apa kau rasa? Dari need someone to comfort you, terus kau rasa dah taknak luah anywhere even socmed, so jangan sedap mulut label orang

Be patient. X semua faham situasi kita.

When was the last time you ordered pizza? What kind of pizza was it?

Just now! Chicken delight. But not even take a bite. Lost appetite! Mmm


Language: English