
be true to yourself.

Ask @ysoperfect

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you made me lose a bestfriend.. i fell out with mollie, you made me deactivate ask.fm.. you took my enjoyment in crediton away.. this is why i dont want you to interfere :/

I Put Laughter Into Slaughter.
That wasnt me
did you not read he fact that I got hacked
that half my frienda hate me yet I wanted to keep ask.fm to make others happy.

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you are sending me messages saying you love me.. and you have a boyfriend? :P so you dont love me.. therefore you are lying :P

I Put Laughter Into Slaughter.
There are many types of love.
I love you as a friend and I used to love you as more. But I love my boyfriend like a soulmate.
so im not actually.

you dont understand...... like 4 people thought i was bullshitting using you to compliment me... just ugh..

I Put Laughter Into Slaughter.
Well they're obviously not good friends. Stop puttin me down ok? I dont even know who your friends are all I know is that you're nice and good looking. But I have a boyfriend haha, he knows I used to like u aswell. I am not luke but I am also not admitting who I am. Block me if u must

I swear to god if I knew you I would run up to you and just kiss you. I love youfor your personality and I dont care what you look like. I love someone i dont know but I want to have you x

I just cried:(
This is the most beautiful thing ever,
I dont .. know what to even say.
thanks x

turn offs

If he flirts with other girls
if he is to vain
If he isnt willing to be all cute and nice to me in public
just generally not an arsehole

So I've liked this guy for 4 months, and he told me he liked me too. I didnt want to ask him out or anything so I just waiting. We kissed a month back and I asked if we going out but he just kissed me again and walked off. Its been like this for a whole month and last night we were like..*.* and yea

Aw I see you're problem.
That whole kissing thing was actually so cute,
But he cant just do this to you. I mean you need to pull him aside and not let him kiss you or anything and juat say "is this for real?" Or "are we going out" and if he doesnt answer tell him that you can't do anything else unless you're going out, otherwise, I'm sad to tell you, he's playing you.
Also ask around to see if hes like this with anyone else? If he is you need to tell him to get lost and tell everygirl in the world that hes an idiot.
I do hope he does like you and you're going out, however do tell me what happens. Smile beautiful ok?x

You're so cute and I hope people understand that you got hacked and eveythjng x

Aw thanks:3 I do to but if they dont they dont, at least ive been open and stuff x

Why have u deleted like half the questions/answers

Because it wasnt me.
I let my friend go onto my phone and she went onto my ask.fm for like half an hour at lunch break. She was like "I'm gunna change you're password." I thought she was joking so I was like "ok sure" turns out she wasn't actually joking:/ she started off like being nice and stuff, like asking people nice questions. Like I thought oh great im not the only one that like wants to help people who get bullied over the internet. But then she got really personal with three people. You know who you're if you're reading this. So I asked for my account back and she got really horrible with it. We had already fallen out a bit over other stuff so I was a bit scared like what to do. I kept asking her to stop it she was being like horrid. These people still probably hate me.... but yes we fell out and I fell out with other friends also. But yesterday we started to talk. She gave back my account and I asked why she had done this, and she shrugged her shoulders. I was ready to full on ague with her again but she isnt worth it so I walked off.
I hope you can all understand this and I will be logging out each time now to prevent it happening agIn. Sor

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