

Ask @yulianaying

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kamu juga smbong ga prnah nyri ak uuu!iaa itu bner bnget..jgn sbutin initial orgny ya *oops* lovee kamu juga bebeb..pulang kok nnti februari eleee wkwkwk

Jessica alamsyah
Ihh mn ad ee sllu ak yg nyri dluan wkwkk bneran blik feb? Wkwkwk

desc n imp cika dongs

Cika it tmen dket ak dr smp kyk orange sdh tpi skrg smbong beuts dk prnah nyari ak men d chat bs dk bles (peace),orang pengode keras (kode terus), suka sm org yg nyanyiin + buatin lagu buat dy (maybe), men sdh ktwo kek wong asma tpi men nangis ck tomat, hobi nyanyi my heart will go on dgn penghayatan penuh, penyayang, rajin dalm hal apapun, anak gahol Perth yg gweny ikut stereo dan jalan mlem", org yg hobi brntem sm ak tp akhirny ttep kami love" an lg❤️❤️❤️ wkwkk ckup yah wkwk
Imp males deh wkwkk fto aja yaa biar dy cpt pulang wkwk

desc sm imp ying wkwk

valenciafh’s Profile PhotoValencia FH
Valen it orang yang sgt rajin kl sabtu mggu krjoanny bljar smpe srg d blg ansos (peace), hobi makan brg ak jd diet ny sllu gagal krna ak, tmen becurhat ak, sllu berharap untuk waktu luang krna trllu sbuk, hobi mnum smoothie, kangen sm mm pp trus? , trlalu sbar dan baik, hobi ngmngi ak bully dy pdhal idk wkwk kan ak love valen ❤️❤️, pny tmen yg nyebelin walau ak dk knal wkkwk dah it saja
Imp mles deh wkwk bonus fto be yee
Liked by: Valencia FH

Masih kuliah sampai batas waktu yang tidak ditentukan :" kabar kabari be ying kalo nk pgi :"

egaerisca’s Profile PhotoErisca Agustin
Hahaha smpe batas waktu yg tidak di tentukan bhasa kau ga :D oceh ntar aying kbar kabari yaa wkwkk

before & after

Fegie Tiurma
Before : baek, lucu, syang nn sm cwok" ny, cantek, kekny sombong
After : tetap tapi dk sombong orgny malah asik wkwk bestfriend yg kocak (byak be kejadian lucu) miss you:*
Sory bru active naa wkwk
Liked by: Fegie Tiurma

Before after kenal sama

Tiara Octaviani
Before : cantik nn cak wong korea wkwk ckny sombong, dk prnah seomongan dr smp mslah dk kenal
After : baik, care, tetep cantik malah nambah, tmen Hacep kmn", lucu, cekci, confident, dak smbong, skrg kenal baekk and become my HOPENG who always understand me:*:*:* lope lope
Liked by: Tiara Octaviani

Oi ce sbuti tipe pacar yg ngebetein

Dunno but nothing is perfect in every people or relationship so just take it easy and enjoy it. Don't make things even more complicated or boring, especially don't judge his actions make you bored or annoyed that maybe what he is feeling about you too :) and this is quote for you


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