

Ask @yuongjae

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Following the trend these days, I wanna ask you... "Seperti apakah aku di real life?" Thanks!

(Kayanya orangnya easy going, asik, enak diajak ngobrol. Trs mungkin real lifenya agak sibuk ya? Ngurusin pendidikan, hobi, sama manfaatin waktu luang. Trs (lagi) mungkin jago cascuscascus english yang lain cuma bisa bengong whahaha

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Iya. Itu SMK, oh so you are a college student and took Machine as your major? Oh. Uh. I could die fall for you.

Please dont die noona ahahaha

Nope, tapi aku ngajar Permesinan. Hehehehe. Are you a vocational students?

(Itu sejenis SMK kan? Ya gak, college student lebih tepatnya. Klo dibilang sih masih remaja mateng. Loh ahahah

sebutin 3 tempat kongkow kongkow atau nongkrong favorit lu

(Banyak. Koskosan pun juga dijadiin tempat ngkongkow
Tapi akhir2 ini sih sering nongkrong di sbux, ngwifi gratis, duduk gaje, atau kedip kedipin anak orang. Ya siapa tau caer

The lawsuit is not finished yet, eh? Waiting for Zelo or what? -- I'm currently a student of an university and now doing a program called PKM (Pelatihan Kegiatan Mengajar).

(Actually i dun really sure whats goin on about bap. Yeah im not addicted about korean ((Wow kaya yang di sma sma sebentar doang ngajarnya kan? Cool! ))

Let's get along together so we can be famous together. Hahaha. Ah? Really? Which one that's really attractive to you? ((OMG Youngjae senpai read my answers, I could die smiling.)) ((NO))

Famous together? Ahaha i hope so, bcs bap is not active for a moment. About teacher maybe and more. Anyway are you a college student? And a teacher? Wow!
(Ahaha 'ada-ada aja' sih noona)

thankyou hehe. IU here. nice to meet you:) don't forget to ask me! yay good night!

Not a big deal, IU. Nice to meet you too :) Sure! Feel free to have a conversation with me. N8 too!
Liked by: Ji

Ah? Oh I'm not that important not famous like you've mentioned, Youngjae-ya, but K thanks! :)

But you're from Girls Generation. Ahaha no prob noona, because it's true

moechan, team k from akb48 :)) yaa dulu sempet jadi lizzy hehe

Aduh maaf gak tau nama namanya di akb48. Temen pernah nyodorin posternya akb48 tapi malah pusing sendiri mukanya mirip miripan
Liked by: CLOSEDOWN.

sudah seminggu lebih do'i tak muncul. katanya sibuk rl, tapi dia pernah gk sengaja mt gua salah acc. dan berkapel disana. dia blg dibajak, tp masa penulisan sama sikap sama gua harus apa?

Ini mah udah klasik bruh. Leave eh taunya berkapel disebelah. Mending ikutin kaya dia aja, leave eh taunya dapet yang baru. Kan adil
Liked by: 이Minhyuk{Active}


Language: English