

Latest answers from Kerry

wanna kik..? :3

Are you a cool bean ? Only if you answer this riddle! If Micky had and affair with Donald and goofy didn't like that hoe what color would she be ? *whispers* red ! LMFAO

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A soldger <~ that's how I'd spell it when I was little. I've always wanted to be in the military !

How do you know when it's true love?

When you feel in the tips of your fingers ! ;D my butt itches ! :O wahh? LMFAO !

If you were sent to a deserted island and were allowed to bring 2 things and two people, what would you bring and who would you bring?

Boy, I'd bring the grocery store! Does that count as cheating!! Awe fuck, don't say nothing. Um..
Um.. Okay.. Okay just stay there I'll get help ! ^.^

I don't want you to go to sleep. I wanna stay up all night!

Who are you ???? Tell me who you are ! ;D I swear.. Don't... Don't make me do it ! *Presses Y on Xbox controller ! * Now, what !

Will you be my best friend, ducky?

Only if you tell me how the cat ate the mouse ? I love that story ! Okay, ahem ! Here goes, " one day" is it snack time yet ? D;

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

Lmfao, why does this remind me of Peter Pan ?

Language: English