
zach Hinton

What do you hate the most?

The thing I hate the most is how a lot of guys treat girls like shit. That seriously pisses me off more than anything. Guys need to find this thing called respect and use it, girls are not animals. And guys also need to stop judging girls, they are perfect just how they are they don't need to change for a low life prick who is hurting her to make themselves feel better. So many girls cut themselves, starve themselves, try to suicide because some prick hurts them that emotionally bad. Everyone who treats girls like shit needs to get highfived... In the face... With a chair. This is seriously the thing I hate the most. Guys always go on and on about girls weight and if they have big tits or a nice ass, for real? There's this thing called a personality, yeah sometimes it is hard to get a girls true personality to shine through, but maybe if guys weren't total douhebags to girls. Girls should be treated like queens not like shit. If any girl ever needs me, just send me a question and ask for my kik, I'll be there for you. It's bullshit guys hurt you so bad you want to end your lives. You all deserve to be treated a hell of a lot better. I know I've messed up and hurt people but at least I try and apologize. I'd honestly rather make everyone else happy before myself. All you girls out there who are treated like shit I'll always be here to talk, just kik me @ .zach.0
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