
Zane Araki

Is love complicated? Why?

Even when you don't give a fuck about love, it will find its way to complicate your life. It's more than complicated. Words can't even explain, unless you're a human, that- I can guarantee, you would know how strong it is as a feeling and how it haunts every gaps in your heart and makes it hurt.
:) - coming from someone who never undergone a romantic relationship

Latest answers from Zane Araki

Why is a healthy lifestyle so trendy now?

People like to feel healthy, and one of the ways is to eat healthy labelled foods (because they got the vitamins). ¯\(°_o)/¯

Post your most liked pic on Instagram or Facebook!

Haha just kidding. This is not my pic! I can't resist the cuteness of the salmon though.

What makes you feel proud of yourself?

Actually, no. I have nothing to be proud about. But I got loads of things to be grateful for. I don't want to let myself become very comfortable with myself, and that, in a way, by feeling proud for something I have of sort. I believe being proud would lead me to the arrogant field.
We're human, I bet for each little thing we done and have in store, a proud tingling sensation knocks our heart but that's the challenge-how to overcome those proud feelings and make it a motivation instead to fight for better determination.
You and I, we are a temporary creature in a temporary yet twisted world, so it's really up to us how to invest our time here. The point is, I don't want to bother taking risk and going further in the faraway roads that lead to thorns, no, but it's almost as possible to encounter them, but that does not mean I would give up my struggle until now in any form and ways.
We'll fight until the last breath. Right?

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Do you believe in witches and wizards?

They do exist though. But their magic are usually used for bad intentions and that's why no one like 'em.

Language: English