
Al Bayati ⚔☠

what is friendship to you?

P: Honesty
D: one blood
J: one hand
S: one heart
It is a true friend, and is no friend in this time?
True friend:
A friend who is with him, and be alone any man who is considered as a self
True friend:
He who accepts your excuses and forgives you if you made a mistake and plugging in your absence Msdk
True friend:
Is the one who thinks your probably good and if you err, he seeks an excuse and say to himself, perhaps not intended
True friend:
Who is the owner and take care of you in your family and your child and your offer
True friend:
Is the one who will be with you in good times and bad times and in joy and in sadness, and narrow and in the richness and poverty
True friend:
That is Iwtherk himself and wishes you good always
True friend:
Is to advise you that if he sees your faults and encourages you if you felt good and help you on the good work
True friend:
Is one that expands you in the Council and Espqk peace if Qak and seeks in need if you need him
True friend:
You claim is the back of the unseen without you asking for it
True friend:
He who loves God and in God, without the benefit of material or moral
True friend:
That work is good for you and His goodness and literature and morals
True friend:
Is the one who raises your business among the people and boasts of his friendship and not embarrased and walk with him
True friend:
Who is happy if you need him, and rushes to serve you at no charge
True friend:
He who wishes to you what he wishes for himself
The most important thing in life is pure friendship (Half-Life) ❤️
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عدم التسرع..

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