
Yi En

Ask @Yien999

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Do you still make sense when you're brain tired ??? ?

No HAHAHAH I don’t make sense sometimes even when I’m not brain tired HAHAHAH

Can anyone recommend any really good suspense thriller books ?

HAHAHAH anyone??? Are u asking me???? HAHAHHA if yes, then I rlly dk sia bc I don’t read suspense thriller books HAHAHAHHA SOZZZZZ

When was the last time you had a really good laugh? What were you laughing about?

I actually can’t remember sia HAHAHAH bc I laugh at the smallest thing HAHAHAH so I laugh at a lot of things so I don’t rlly pay attention to what I laugh at HAHAHAH bc some stuff I laughed at are vvvv lame HAHAHHA

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Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt??

HAHAHAHAHA ummmm not really I Guess. I’ve nvr act had such strong feelings for smb before HAHAH. Have u??? HAHAHAH

How to forget and rid off the feeling that we have falling in love to somebody we used to know before?

Stop thinking about that person all the time after a while the feeling will be gone without u realising it:-)

Is there someone special in your life, and if so, who is it?

There are many special ppl in my life. I rlly can’t name all of them. Also what’s your definition of special??

Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend? Did you forgive them?

I wouldn’t call mine a betrayal but I Guess I was hurt badly. I really do think that I have forgiven the person for it even though it still hurts whenever I think about it.

What’s your favourite love/slow song?

Oman that’s tough to choose HAHAH hmmmm I think the song I rlly rlly like rn, and is a slow/love song is called Naked by James Arthur HAHA

Do you remember your first day at school?

First day at which school?? HAHAH But nahhhh I really don’t rmbr much about my first day HAHAH

if u had to tell me one think u hate about me

I’d have to know who you are first??? HAHAHA but no matter who you are, I prob don’t hate anything about you??? Prob just dislike bc hate is such a strong word LMAO

Do you prefer eBay or Amazon?

Amazon! Since I don’t go on eBay at all so I really don’t know how it’s like haha

How do i stop liking someone?

So hard leh. Idk leh. Why would you want to stop liking the person??? Just go for it lah. You never know how it will turn out sia HAHA

Who is someone you wish you had never met?

Erm... I guess I'm thankful to have met everyone. I don't regret meeting anyone in my life bc I learn things from all of them, be it good or bad?


Language: English