
Alyssa Davis

Ask @Alyssaluvssocca

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And people hate on you? Really they need to bipoty boppty back the fuck up✋

Thanks but I don't think they're gonna do that. But idc bout them haters hah

I honestly think your right! Thank you! I also think it's about helping others because u just made me feel like the happiest person in the world hearing that from u.

Well good. I'm glad that your happy and that my answer helped you:D I love to help others

What is the point of living? I just can't get that question out of my mind. Will u help me with that? Also why do ppl hate on u? Ur also the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

You know, lately I've been wondering the same thing. But there is no point. Just to live life and enjoy it while you can because it's short and there's no time to not be happy. And I honesty don't know why some people hate on me. I've always tried to be nice to everyone. But I guess there's gonna be people like that right? And thanks:)

Why do u hangout with the same people 24/7?

No. I hangout with alotta different ppl tbh. I just have certain ppl I hangout with a lot

They don't like you so what there are always people like that, but don't let that discourage your beauty

Yea your right. There are gonna be ppl like that. I won't let that discourage me(:

Bruh ever since 6th grade I've been like she's really hot idk y she isn't crazy popular like bruh y aren't you ur super hot

Haha. I mean I know like everyone. And like everyone's my friend. But there's a few ppl here and there that don't like me for no reason:/ idk haha whatever. But thanks haha

What's the first letter of the name of the person you like?

I am honestly so confused with my relationship status rn, haha so idrk... Whoever asked me this.


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