
Alyssa Davis

Ask @Alyssaluvssocca

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Yea at the end we were all around you and Chris was acting like he was going to grab it

That's greatttt lol maybe I should like NOT wear leggings tomorrow?¿ hahah

Tbh every guy at tech tryouts was staring at ur butt including me like daaaammmmmmnnnnnn

Yeaaa I actually kinda figured some of yall were hahahaha

Who is so close to you that she/he is practically your sister/brother?

Sarah, marianna, and the morawskis< tht probs didn't make sense lol

You are so beautiful i just want you to know that. Doesn't matter what anybody tells you. You are perfect in gods eyes. -your sister(not blood)

Awe thank you❤️


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