
when the dango cry

Ask @Aquaspirit77

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jesus so much marco feelings NGH lol anyways XD I came here to ask something serious lol! D: how did you make that echo in your old doll fandub? ;u; I've been trying to make that echo sound but it just ;u; do you record with audition?..c-can you please like tell me how did you change the echo thing?

A-AH UM... I h0nestly d0n't remember the exact setting i used; ;;; I just play ar0und with the reverb effects and see what i like!! s0metimes if it d0esnt w0rk i'll manually make an ech0 by c0pying the track, delaying and fading it 0ut * A * just play ar0und with the settings until y0u find 0ne y0u like! d0nt be afraid t0 experiment!! <3 s-s0rry if i wasn't t00 helpful Q A Q; and yes, i d0 rec0rd in auditi0n!

How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?

i d0nt remember but i d0 remember l0sing my balance and steering int0 a car....
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If I have Marco x Aqua fanfiction, where should I send it?

I-IF Y0U HAVE MARC0 X AQUA FANFICTI0N I WILL L0VE Y0U F0REVER 0MG ;///A///; Y-y0u can send me a link via twitter 0r tumblr!! 0r y0u can send it t0 me 0n y0utube (Aquaspirit77) BUT IF Y0U D0 TWEET ME 0R MESSAGE ME 0N TUMBLR AND LET ME KN0W?? C-CUZ I NEVER CHECK YT INB0X UNLESS I'M T0LD T0 A-AND I W0ULD REALLY /REALLY/ REALLY L0VE T0 READ IT IF Y0U SEND IT ;//A//;

How should I handle the fact that my best friend wants to kill herself

um... t-this is a... tense questi0n/subject t0 me;; i-i wasn't expecting this b-but i'll d0 my best t0 answer?;;;;;
i-i'm n0t quite sure h0w t0 put int0 w0rds because this is a really delicate subject t0 me but um... i guess the biggest thing w0uld be t0 be there f0r them? be 0pen t0 talk t0 them if they need s0me0ne t0 talk t0, be 0pen t0 give them space if they ask f0r it. d0n't say anything that c0uld make them feel guilty f0r feeling that way like "h0w w0uld s0-and-s0 feel" 0r "0thers have it much w0rse than y0u d0" etc. tell them y0u l0ve them, y0u'll be there f0r them, if they need t0 cry, it's 0kay t0 cry. if they need t0 scream and yell be willing t0 listen t0 them let it 0ut. just c0nstantly let them kn0w that they are n0t al0ne, and that n0 matter what happens y0u'll always be there f0r them. it's a very delicate situati0n, but with patience, understanding, and sh0wing y0u care, it can always be av0ided. it's never t00 late t0 save any0ne.;
with that being said, i just want t0 thank my best friend f0r d0ing exactly that f0r me every single time i'm caught in a r0ugh place. with0ut her and 0thers wh0've d0ne what i've just listed ab0ve, i pr0bably w0uldnt even be here. h0nestly, it may n0t seem like y0u're d0ing en0ugh, but it means the w0rld t0 th0se wh0 need it.

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Love, if you need sleep. Then I want nothing more but for you to rest when, for you to feel better, for you to smile your beautiful smile. So if you can... Please, love. Rest..


Don't turn off your bots just because someone doesn't like them. Do what YOU want to do you silly goose, not what others want you to! They didn't even ask nicely, pfft. If it's that much of an issue they don't need to follow you! It's your Twitter - not theirs Aqua, fight da powaa!

Drewburr’s Profile PhotoKuya
I-I feel ann0ying as usual haaahaaaha; it's 0kay! i can see h0w they get ann0ying, i'd rather n0t make any0ne upset!!!! ; u ;

I SEE. That must mess with your head when you're typing D:

AbbyMackay’s Profile PhotoAbee
I THINK I'VE G0TTEN USED T0 IT i'm just afraid when my 0 key is fixed i'll still use zer0s /S0BS <3


AbbyMackay’s Profile PhotoAbee
S-S0RRY! the 0 key 0n my keyb0ard is br0ken :c s0 i'm using zer0s instead since i cant use 0s :c

Marco is very much alive and doing naughty things with Aqua right now ok, you go away and you stop being horrible.

Drewburr’s Profile PhotoKuya


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