
Shorouk Diyaa

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Best music service? Pandora, Soundcloud or Spotify?

The first and the third are no longer accessible in my country, so Soundcloud.

What do you usually do to cheer up yourself when you are depressed?

KhaledAhmedGhozy’s Profile PhotoKhaled Ahmed Ghozzy
Okay, let us call it when I'm feeling down or just not good
I immediately do something to get me out of the mood; watch a movie, listen to a song, call a friend, play a game or even read some articles
it works temporarily
I get some energy and applaud from my friends \0/ :"D
*They are funny and I love them although I never tell *
and then deal with whatever brought me to this mood
*It's often something that happened or I did that bring me there*

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What good deed did you do this week?

I started to write again after at least a month of not writing
and that's a good deed

اتكلمي عن 4 اشخاص في حياتك بتحبيهم :)

خالتو ثريا و حجاج و عمر و إسلام و ريم

أس سون أس تفتحي الفيس هتلاقى البطريق .. بيغني .. ظلمنااااه ظلمنااااه :'D

IhabShawkyElMoghazy’s Profile PhotoIhab Shawky El Moghazy
إيهاب، خاف منى يا بابا
و كمان أصلاً لما أفتحه هتلاقى المينشن محطوط أصلاً 3:)
هاع هاع هااع
بطريق قال ._.

أنتي قافله الفيس! ، موفطقضاقي يا شروق :(

no4a’s Profile Photoكوآلآ..
ندى :D
كمان لاقتينى على الأسك :"D
لأ مش مصدق xD
ربنا يعزك :D
قريباً قريباً، قبل نهاية السنة كدة هتلاقينى فتحته تانى ولا حاجة
اهبقى اكلمك من عند راندا 3:)
Liked by: ناصر

What does freedom mean to you?

To be free, mmm
To have a mind freed from the nonsense of the surroundings,
to be stable or not, it's up to me y3ny w kda,
to be free to change as I'd like to do
to have the will to have a free will,
to walk on the streets, feeling the breeze upon my face and the blue clear sky above my head
and most important thing; to have the ultimate source I can get support from that I don't doubt myself and choices through the way *currently seeking that, I think y3ny*
Being free brings me peace!
موضوع تعبير :"D
don't read brdo xD

سورة الكهف اثابكم الله

Dear lovely fellow who used to send us this question
you were last seen three months ago
I hope you're doing fine :))
Liked by: Iman

What do you like to do on the weekends?

الّى أنت شايفه حضرتك :"D
It depends on the kind of week I had
but mainly, I chill and try to walk on the streets for the sake of the sky :3
w social media w friends meetings wla 7aga .. kda y3ny


Language: English