
Shorouk Diyaa

Ask @AskS68

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What are you going to eat for dinner??

That was from two days ago, and well.. I don't seem to be able to remember.

What body piercings do you want

Why would that be an interesting piece of information someone would want to know about a person?

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what should I do to stop daydreaming if i uncntrolabily spend ours doing it without noticing ?

Solve the issue you're having in your life; which led you to that. You must be facing or going through some tough time in your life.

Is being single a curse or a blessing?

It's relative. أهم حاجة الإنسان يكون مبسوط بصحبة نفسه; his own company. أنا بجاوب إجابة بديهية أهو.. سؤال غبي، صح؟

after midnight thoughts?

jaZZmine66’s Profile PhotoSKY
إجابتي الأولى:
ولا أي حاجة خالص. :D
كفاية عليهم اليوم كله، أفكاري يعني.
متهيألي I can sum them up in: "meh".
Liked by: Eva Ibrahim SKY

Have you ever been madly jealous? What did you do?

Once. It was stupid.
I don't remember what I did then, but I remember that it was stupid. I lost sense of who I am; and that was the worst part I had to deal with.
Now I remember! It was the stupidest, indeed. I withdrew to get back to myself again, that's what I did.
أسئلة تافهة بما إن مافيش حاجة ليها لازمة بتيجي :'''DDD
Liked by: the feto

What meal was so good that you can't forget it?

هو أنا مش فاكرة هي إيه بالظبط، بس لما قريت السؤال جه ببالي طعم التوت على طول. فأظن إنها حاجة فيها توت.. ممكن تكون تشيز كيك والله أعلم، أو توت بس. متهيألي توت بس أيوة.. دة الأقرب.
*I know the question is about a meal, but blueberries is my answer, though."

احنا ليه بائسين في مثل هذا الوقت التعيس؟

IhabShawkyElMoghazy’s Profile PhotoIhab Shawky El Moghazy
احنا بائسين طوال الوقت*
ليه؟ because we're too scared to live the life we want, maybe? Whatever we think we want to follow, we don't..


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