

Ask @B0bduh

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I think part of what makes Metal Gear 'work' is that it's so ambitious beyond its means combined with an unshakable self-confidence. The only other AAA title that is so tied up with a single person's artistic vision that I can think of is Bioshock, for better or worse.

Yes, this is definitely true. Even though the results are kinda ???, I really wish more AAA games were able to combine this scale of ambition and weird vision. Though maybe the self-confidence could be tuned down a bit.

gyny. Heck, Fate route deals with Shirou learning and coming to accept his role as the sheath for Saber's sword, which would cause Freud to have a field day. This is really bizarre that some people think it's misogynist because when I read FSN I kept thinking about how feminist it was.


Are you a fan of Taku Iwasaki?

I actually hadn't realized Katanagatari and Gatchaman Crowds had the same composer. Damn, that guy is good.

I didnt know who oktavia was, so i searched it on youtube, and it brought me back to that moment thus now i cant stop crying, take responsability bob

If it makes you feel any better, I cry every time I watch that too. That devastating "you didn't want to be alone anymore," said to herself as much as her opponent. Kyoko is such a beautiful character.

Favorite fights in anime?

Asuka versus the mass production series. Kyoko versus Oktavia. The whole last episode of Katanagatari. Peco versus Dragon. Netero versus Meruem. Gon versus Hisoka. A whole bunch of fights in HxH, for that matter.

Maybe I just don't remember since I couldn't vote, and I watch TV rarely, but was the last election this clowny? Is no one else going to step up or is Trump actually, seriously a candidate? Is this the let's talk about anything for ratings stage, or is this all really happening?

Trump is a pretty unique degree of clown. Normally the policies he's advocating are on the table, but they're only alluded to by the republican candidates, not outright declared. Republican candidates essentially have to walk a delicate line between catering to the belligerent right that composes their base (god in schools, deport all immigrants, gays are traitors, etc) and presenting the appearance of a concerned but agreeable conservative to everybody else. Trump is essentially forcing his competitors to outright declare the extremist policies the base normally accepts being articulated through a wink and a nudge, and so we get republican candidates actively talking about "anchor babies" and walls on Canada's border.
And yes, the important takeaway from all of this is indeed that there is a substantial percentage of Americans who actually agree with the madness Trump is spewing.

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Hey Bob, I gave Idolm@ster a try a while ago and found the first three episodes pretty hard to watch! It was beautifully animated, but it was just so many characters too fast! I remember an episode focused on an idol who couldn't function around men. Does it pick up? I really wanted to like it!

I got used to the volume of characters over time, and they eventually become a real strength. It's kind of a shame they put a Yukiho episode early (she's the afraid-of-men girl), because she's likely the weakest member of the cast. I wouldn't say it fundamentally changes all that much (though some of the concept episodes are great - there's a runaway bride episode, a mystery one, a news show, etc), but I've definitely gotten more fond of it over time.

Pro-tip - watch Gundam 0080. It's very short, has the same down-to-earth, realistic style of action as 08th MS Team, and is one of the most critically-acclaimed Gundam shows for a reason.

Yeah, I've actually been meaning to watch that one specifically.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

Will you watch Durarara? I'm going through it now and while it's a bit more "flawed" than Baccano, it's much more ambitious and interesting while retaining all of the style and creativity present in Baccano.

Yeah, definitely. Just a question of when.

You get hate-asks from anons comparing Nash go Urobuchi, but do you ever get any comparing him to Ikuhara? Both of them love to talk about how simplified ideas we internalize as children actually play out in the real world.

Yep! I distinctly remember one rambling ask about how because I liked Utena, it was incorrect for me to not also like Fate.

What did you think of Maasaki Yuasa's Mind Game?

Wasn't a fan. Just felt like a whole lot of unfocused visual sound and fury to me. But I haven't seen it for years and years, so I might like it more now.


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