

Ask @B0bduh

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Never watched BBB but is there sth wrong with the finale?

It literally hasn't aired. It was pushed back due to vague production issues back in the spring season, and then apparently there weren't any slots available for it to air, so the show still isn't actually finished yet.

What are your opinions on Blood Blockade Battlefront?

It's good! I think it's a little disjointed and not all the episodes are winners (particularly the ones that lean on lazy anime comedy), but on the whole it's an extremely stylish action story that lets Matsumoto apply her crazy talents to an engaging new universe. Great music, great aesthetic, and the family theme manages to kinda-sorta tie together the random Libra shenanigans and Matsumoto's White/Black story. I'm excited to see the finale, whenever it decides to actually exist.

What kind of MTG decks do you like to play?

Jerk decks with lots of twiddly interactions. So like, draw-go, prison decks, decks with lots of artifact interactions, decks running Survival of the Fittest.

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Do you own some anime figures? if not, is it something you're interested in?

I own a Utena figure and a little Tiger Hanekawa one. I'll probably pick up more eventually, but they're expensive and I want to be really selective.
Liked by: destyluke Eelz

So why do you think a lot of people who love Urobuchi also really dislike Gatchaman Crowds' philosophy?

What's your definition of "a lot" here?

k :/

To answer your actual question, he seems like a fine candidate, but I don't know if he has any hope of upsetting the establishment choice. No one is excited about Hillary, but she's basically the current "it's my turn" candidate, like McCain was.

Do you believe in Bernie?

You mean, do I believe he exists? Yes, there seems to be substantial evidence for it.

So now that Crowds Insight has basically turned into Psycho-Pass, do you think it might be interesting to compare and contrast the two shows' themes, assumptions, and political perspectives?

I was actually thinking yesterday how Gatchaman's worldview kinda reminds me of Urobuchi's. They're both fundamentally optimistic, but that optimism is tempered by serious misgivings about how we interact with systems and how most individuals respond to adverse circumstances, along with a seeming faith in "the best of us," people who can hopefully rise above our worse nature. I think I hold a pretty similar perspective, which might be part of why I'm such a fan of both his shows and Gatchaman.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

"Symphogear is basically an epic hair-metal ballad. It’s November Rain" This made me cackle out loud. My family is looking at me strange. Now 4 some reason i'm just imagining slash leaving the church for his solo and having a magical girl symphogear transformation. GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD BOBDUH!

Hey, I've still got two seasons to go, that might actually happen.

What is one thing that happened in your life that without it happening, you would never be where you are today?

Getting a hundred or so responses to that first Nisemonogatari essay three years ago. If not for that crazy flood of feedback, I probably wouldn't have written the next piece, and then the next one, and then...

How do you feel about donald trump being number one in the current polls?

Donald Trump as a weird blip making the mainstream Republican candidates sweat was pretty entertaining. Donald Trump as an enduring candidate, a one-man monument to America's racism, belligerence, hatefulness, and capitalist blindness, is a bit less amusing. George W. Bush was deeply embarrassing, but he was establishment embarrassing, directly supported by the vast institutions that make the idea of American democracy a joke. Trump demonstrates America's worst self, and he is loved for it.

Would you recommend Terror in Resonance? I feel like I've heard basically every possible valuation of that show.

Yeah, I would. I think that show made a couple poor decisions, but was overall very compelling, along with having excellent art and music.

I'd like to pay you to read a book my friend wrote and then write an honest review with all the themes talk I enjoy so much but have a hard time talking about when it's something I'm personally attached to. You've mentioned this possibility before, so how can we make it happen?

BUSINESS TALK. Yeah, this can definitely happen, but it would be an actual commission - I'd be billing you a reasonable professional wage for the time it takes to do the work, which would be a whole lot more than the $10 of a Patreon question. I also can't really guarantee one of the looser theme-focused essays - I only write a few of those a year, and they're about generally accessible shows that really speak to me. But if what you're asking for is an overall review that specifically engages with any messages I find in a work, then yeah, I'm all for it!
If this all sounds reasonable (or sounds reasonable to anyone else out there, for that matter), message me back again and we can talk about pricing and logistics and whatnot. SELF-EMPLOYMENT HO!

Would you recommend Amagi Brilliant Park?

Yeah, just don't set your expectations too high. Amagi Brilliant Park is a comedy, and some of its episodes aren't great, but the best ones demonstrate KyoAni's staff is just miles ahead of most other anime creators when it comes to comedic timing.

How do you write positive things about things? Like, I am pretty good at hating and immature jokes, but when it comes to even talking, not even mentioning writing, about the things I love, especially if they are not very popular, I become the clumsiest man alive. Have any protips?

Being positive can definitely be tough! When something isn't working for you, you can generally point to specific things you dislike or think it's bad at, but when it /is/ working, it can be harder to be specific. As for tips, I guess I'd say...
1. Try to be specific. What elements of this show are working for you? What do you feel engaged by? Do the characters feel alive to you, and can you think of what about their depiction makes that happen? Is it just beautiful, and can you describe the style? Is it just the general pacing keeping you interested, or is there something in the way this story unveils its plot that keeps you hooked and wanting to find out what happens next?
2. Don't be afraid to be personal. Honestly, I think this rule would help both positive /and/ negative criticism - our experiences of shows are always a meeting between the aesthetic reality of the show and our own experiences and preferences, so don't be afraid to say why something works or doesn't work /for you specifically/. Is this your kind of show? Do you find that style of character writing appealing? Does this show remind you of something else you liked, or even a personal experience that's meaningful to you? It seems a little contradictory, but if you can describe why a show is successful for you personally, you'll actually have an easier time making that experience understandable to others than if you were to talk as if your experience of the show is the default one. "I liked it" doesn't tell us much, but telling your experience of a show can be engaging and understandable.
3. Just keep at it. It takes a lot of practice to be able to specifically articulate your experience of a show, and you just have to work your way there. It can also feel kinda embarrassing to talk in glowing terms about a show - while hating on stuff is fairly "safe" (one of the reasons it's popular), saying you love a show is more of a personal admission (one of the reasons people get so defensive about what they like). But personally, I think if you want to make great positive /or/ negative criticism, you have to get past the "safe" stuff. It's easy to snark on a show in such a way that other people who dislike it will laugh, but can you write a critical piece that will make people who /like/ a show say "I disagree, but I understand your feelings"? Writing strong criticism is about being understood, and people have a hard time understanding each other at the best of times.

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Have you considered picking up Himouto again? I think it's done a pretty good job of keeping its content fresh and interesting.

I watch a couple episodes of Himouto now and then when I'm in the mood for it. I'll almost certainly end up watching all of it eventually.

Do you plan to watch Kokoro Connect? I asked this earlier but I don't know why I didn't get a response. Sorry if I missed something.

I watched the first couple episodes about a year ago and enjoyed them, but never got back to it. I may pick it up again at some point, but it's not a priority.

I've heard good things about Katawa Shoujo, but I've also heard bad things like people going as calling ableist garbage. Would you say its any of that?

Nope! Aside from the plotting of the Shizune route, I have almost no complaints about Katawa Shoujo. It's one of my favorite things.

Is Planetes in your queue? Just finished it & it reminded me a lot of Shirobako (the only workplace SOL of similar quality) with a bit of Bebop (more structurally than thematically, though, also it's IN SPACE). It really turns into something unique by the end though, I can't recommend it enough.

Yeah, it's on my shortlist. Probably one of the next 3-4 backlist shows I watch.

In regards to the global warming question: Not living in the US, I was freaked out when I found out a portion of America denies its existence. It scares me a little that important matters of science worked out by people who know what the fuck they're doing can be ignored by such a major country.

It scares me too! The fact that one of the two major parties in American politics has managed to demonize the very idea of advanced education and scientific knowledge is both impressive and terrifying. Republican candidates slam their opponents as being "lecturers," "college types," or "not regular folk you'd want to have a beer with." Villainizing knowledge/expertise basically poisons democracy altogether, which is how you get people consistently voting against their own personal or class interests. And this isn't an accidental failing, this is about as fundamental as republican tactics get.

How can someone like a story but completely missed the really unsubtle message it shows? (this question is inspired by someone on twitter spewing misogynistic crap while wearing a Katawa Shoujo avatar)

The only lesson I'd draw from this is that favorite shows and taste are basically entirely distinct from character. People will like or dislike things for any one of a million seemingly incoherent reasons. Do not judge people based on what they like or dislike.


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