

Ask @B0bduh

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What are the odds you end up watching only the shows you review for ANN next season?

Just kinda depends on what shows end up surprising me. I guess I can say "higher than they've ever been before," because the only show I /know/ I'll be watching either way is Gatchaman.

Why do crazy things have to keep happening in America? :'(

America is essentially a few different countries with entirely incompatible cultures. Not all of these countries would individually be considered moderate or even first-world nations. The reasonable parts of America are basically handcuffed to segments that will never acknowledge structural racism and never, ever allow reasonable gun legislation to be passed.

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so what did you think about that BBB ep? Felt like I could finally get invested in the story, and the shot compostition for once mattered and was on its prime. I wish that the whole show had been like this.

Yeah, it was fantastic - about as gorgeous and consistently purposeful as the show's ever been, with a sharper emotional center. BBB has been fun, but that episode makes me really hope Matsumoto gets to make another original again soon.

What about Kaji?

Kaji's maybe the only emotionally functioning adult in that show, but he doesn't spend all that much time trying to help others. He's got his own job to deal with.

Should I watch Neon Genesis Evangelion or wait for the remake?

Watch the original. The remake is a very different series that both expects you to already have watched the original and can't really compare with it anyway.

Why don't you set up a twilog so we can search your askfm through Twitter?

I don't know what any of those words mean.

Let's say you had arbitrarily large amounts of free time. Would you consider speedrunning a game? Are there any you'd like to speedrun in particular?

Mario 64, I guess? But I mean, I'd just play it, I wouldn't speedrun it. I like Mario 64.
Hey, maybe I should play that or Ocarina of Time or something for the stream! I've actually been feeling the urge to play those again.

Thoughts and feelings on Titus Andronicus? (the band, not the play)

They're pretty sweet! They're possibly the band I've seen the most times live, kind of accidentally, but their shows are always a good time. Their first and third albums are uneven but fun, and The Monitor is a goddamn masterpiece, deserving of all its praise. I like their style of rambling epic bar rock, and I like the way their lyrics mix defeatism, classic rock mythology, and unabashed optimism. I like To Old Friends and New most of all - that song is one of my all-time favorites, full of lyrics that probably sound instinctively familiar to anyone who's read too much of my stuff.
"Like the time traveler who killed his grandfather, these cycles are bringing me down
We could build a nice life together if we don't kill each other first.
Are you just too fucked up to understand me, or is it the other way around?
Maybe it's both, and I just don't know which is worse."
Hedgehogs all the way down.

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As much as you seemed to dislike this week's OreGairu's reliance on standard RomCom cliches and tropes, would you watch a show that followed that playbook but with the level of depth in its characters OreGairu has been able to maintain?

I think the hypothetical you're proposing here is a bit of a contradiction. Shows where the characters follow that playbook aren't just worse because those tropes are shallow and cliche (though they are), they're also worse because characters that follow those anime archetypes just don't feel like real people, and so there aren't generally depths to explore. Characters become compelling when their actions arise from an underlying understandable human place, and many popular tropes aren't really compatible with that.

List the Crusaders, favorite to least favorite!

You know, I thought for the longest time that Hol Horse was going to join the team eventually. A little sad that didn't happen.

Do you think that Haruno is trying to get the group away from this "genuine" because she doesn't want to admit she'd want it herself? It seems like she has little idea of what's ment with it, and I feel like she's the sad product of someone immature never having met a Sensei or true friends.

Very possibly! Haruno seems like more or less a demonstration of the bitter dead end Hachiman's initial attitude leads to.

I need to vent this off. WTH is Yukino's sister's deal?? Seriously, why is she so vile? How the hell does she manage to keep on meddling in teenagers affairs without anyone telling her to buzz off? I never understood her point the whole show, but this episode in particular made me detest her

I basically open this week's post with "Haruno is a shitty person." There's no excusing her behavior - you could /explain/ it, but not excuse it.

Does JoJo start out great from the beginning, or is there a point at which it becomes really great?

Personally, I liked it from the beginning, but many people say they started to enjoy it a lot more after the first arc ended, around 8 episodes in.

After the winter season you said that death parade was probably going to end up in the year end list top 3. With OreGairu, Eupho, BBB, Shirobako and another Monogatari arc does that still look true? (Trying not to phrase this as gatcha! question)

It's already been knocked out. Euph was too good, and the Oregairu sequel was such a strong upgrade... at this point, those two and Shirobako are the current top three.

Would you say that DS1 doesn't reward aggressive play enough?

It certainly doesn't reward aggressive play (at least, not until you're very proficient at the game), but I wouldn't call that a fault. It's just how the game is designed.

How important do you think "talking about it with others" is to experiencing media?

Depends on you, I guess. For some people it's very important, for some people it isn't important at all.

What's more broken, Gae Bolg or Swallow Reversal?

They are both incredibly vaguely defined abilities that could be more or less powerful depending on what a given scene requires. Fate is basically designed for these kind of "who would win, Goku or Naruto" shenanigans, and the answer is always "whoever enjoys discussing the question."
Liked by: Weeb Eelz

Do you think opinions on music are more subjective than opinions on anime? It seems more subjective to say "I like/don't like the sound" than "Attack on Titan has poor pacing and melodramatic characters" or something similar.

I feel this is partially true (it just seems like there are more directions musical taste can lead a person) and partially reflective of the fact that most people have a kind of baseline understanding of the vocabulary of narrative criticism, but are not equally equipped to discuss music.

Would you agree that the current pope is orders of magnitude better than the previous one?

This current pope is staggeringly good for a pope. Obviously being a leader of the catholic faith means you're gonna have some pretty regressive social beliefs (abortion, sexuality, etc), but as far as popes go, this one's pretty darn good.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi


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