

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you keep up with the talkback threads of your ANN essays?

Yep! I don't generally comment myself, but I do read all of the comments.

Whoa... The shipping is strong with Euphonium. O.O Doing everything but saying it, looks like.


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What's a show you're not currently watching that you'd consider picking up given more time?

Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Also finishing Crest of the Stars. And Giant Robo.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

Have you made a review of Stein's;Gate?

Nope. I watched it when it was airing, which was a while before I started writing about anime.

It depresses me to see how many people are asking you to put SAO on your top show list. Even for popcorn shows you could do better.

SAO's a very popular gateway show! It gives many people exactly what they want.

Have you seen (or will you see) the dubbed episode of BBB Funimation just put out? If so, what are your thoughts on it?

Nope. I generally only listen to dubs for reviews, and prefer subs in all but a few very specific cases (like Cowboy Bebop).
Liked by: Derp Jeep

I don't really get what you mean by bad dialogue in Fate (not trolling here). What are some animes (or works, like movies, western shows, books, whatever) that you think have excellent dialogue? I get the feeling I'm just a little uneducated in this area (but I'm very curious!)

Fate's dialogue both doesn't feel like real people talking (naturalistic dialogue, an uncommon but very effective style) and doesn't feel gracefully heightened/polished (something taken to an extreme with shows like Your Lie in April, but also true of most literature, comedies, shows like Oregairu, etc - characters often say the most graceful/witty version of their thought). Fate's dialogue often is heightened, but not gracefully or evocatively so - as I said before, it sounds like Rikka Takanashi speaking, like a child trying to be serious. It shifts between that and lines that are both cliche and clunky, like a lot of Rin's tsundere lines. And often its attempts to talk about serious topics are obfuscated not because its points are complex, but because its lines fail to coherently convey information. Archer is particularly bad about this - he'll use many lines to say very little.
Hope that helps to clarify my issues.

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Have you ever had rumours spread about you? Particularly in high school. How did you react to it, and how did it make you feel?

Yep! They made me feel pretty crappy! I mainly just "reacted" by not associating with the people who'd spread rumors.

Do you have any expectations for the upcoming God Eater show?

I expect it'll look pretty nice. That's about it - I don't know anything about the source material.

Do you consider TWGOK as the more popcorn version of Monogatari?

I feel like both of them contain a critique of harem storytelling, but they're different enough in other ways that a direct comparison is too reductive.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

What do you mean when you talk about "reactionary" people, mainly in a political sense, I think, on twitter? It doesn't seem that bad to me to mostly react to political things, as long as you do it with respect and consideration. Or am I missing something? It seems people use it very negatively...

It's not about "reacting" generally - it refers to hardline conservative actions, generally ones that are specifically prompted as a backlash against social progress. So GG is a "reactionary conservative movement" because GG sees progressive action in terms of representation and social critique and says "nuh uh, we're having NONE of that."

It's interesting how it almost felt like Caster was bringing down UBW for you-- not only does it feel like I had similar sentiments when going through UBW the first time, but I also felt Fate/Zero's crazypants Caster also overstayed his welcome a lot. Coicnidence, or is there just something about Ca

It's coincidence, but I also agree that Fate/Zero's Caster wasn't good, and that the show improved dramatically after his exit. Both Casters basically affected their stories in purely plot-based ways, and when Zero Caster was gone, the show got much more focused on its core characters and themes. Hopefully that's also true here?

http://ask.fm/B0bduh/answer/126985629738 I swear this sounds like something from Monogatari Series or Evangelion or some other show that's similar in themes between people and relationships they can either build or break. Were you channeling your inner love for these series' with this answer?

I'm guessing it's more the other way around - I particularly love those series because I already deeply identify with their underlying philosophies. Though I'm sure both those shows have influenced my thinking over time, too - I don't think any media property was more formative for me than Evangelion, and Monogatari has helped me clarify my thinking on perspective and engaging with the world.

So since people have asked about the latest ep of UBW, how was the latest ep of BBB?

I answered this one somewhere back a couple days ago. I liked it.

fun fact: Hana originally falls between Kabuki and Otori, and this does kind of show with the way the narrative plays out (esp in the prologue). So at the risk of sounding like a Monogatari version of a crazy Fate/ fan, there's even multiple "release order" ways to experience and enjoy the series.

Yep! I actually like how it played out broadcast-wise, though. I think Second Season works well as two distinct arcs woven in between each other, with 1-3-5 and 2-4 each telling thematically coherent stories relevant to their specific characters. And then Hanamonogatari tells a nicely self-contained followup story.

In the vein of that last question about UBW, what did you think of the latest Ore Monogatari?

I like how Yamato seems really uncomfortable with Takeo basically putting her on a pedestal - that's a very natural conflict and a very understandable flaw for him to have. I didn't like how the episode dragged out the ominous reveal of whatever Yamato's secret is, but I'm hoping it's that she doesn't agree with his assessment of her, and that she actually wants to push their relationship a little. I'm really hoping the show continues to undercut shoujo cliches in the way its premise and third episode did, and I think that'd be a good next step.

With no week in review out today (as it was a first half in review instead), I was wondering what your thoughts were on the latest Fate? Also, did you know who archer was in advance?

It was the best one of the season! Things really felt like they were moving again, and I just had a legitimately good time with an episode for the first time in a while. It moved quickly and looked really good, and though I couldn't be less of a fan of trading Saber as hostage for Rin as hostage, pretty much everything else was a good time.
I did know who Archer was. The show's been hinting it really, really heavily in a variety of ways, but I figured I shouldn't actually discuss that in the weekly posts and spoil it for someone. And even if the show weren't giving it away (not in a bad way - I actually like how the show's framed it), I've also gotten plenty of angry asks here that I couldn't post because they were full of upcoming spoilers that people were mad at me for not appreciating.

In what order should one watch the Monogatari series? I heard Bakemonogatari wast he first one produced but Kizu- and Nekomonogatari take place before it.

Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Nekomonogatari Black, Monogatari Season Two, Hanamonogatari, Tsukimonogatari.
So, just go with the release order.

I tried watching YLIApril because it was apparently the bestest thing ever, but I just didn't like it (mainly in ways that hindered your enjoyment, apparently.) Will I run into a similar issue with Euphonium or is it a different sort of tale?

They're very different stories, and I don't have any of the problems with Euphonium that I had with YLIA.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

"...people who feel they've been rejected by the world..." You know, some people just kind of ARE rejected by the world. :/ Which sucks.

When you're rejected by a person, that's pretty much it. You're not dating/being friends with/working for/whatever that rejection was relevant to. Door basically closed.
The world, fortunately, does not exactly work that way. You can be in a terrible situation, you can feel/be alone and unloved, you can not think you have any great qualities - but none of that is ever guaranteed to be permanent. Things change. If you don't retreat into yourself entirely, some element of the world will eventually start returning your calls. You're not going to be the best at anything, but you can be pretty okay at some things. You won't have a million friends, but you can be kind, and good people respect that. The world is far from easy or perfect, but there are always open doors to seek somewhere.


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