

Ask @B0bduh

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So I was wondering what your opinion of Archer (fsn) is. From when I gather, you don't seem too impressed by his motivations/everything about him, so I was curious as to what you think of him (I'm not too good at making inferences)

I actually think his circumstances are very compelling, and reflected in his character pretty well (something he shares with Shirou and Rin - I like how all of them reflect a great deal of baggage in their actions). I just think the show gives him a lot of the worst dialogue, which is kinda frustrating.

Hey b0bduh! Just wondering if you're going to start up your "week in reviews" again this season?

Yep! I just replaced the first one with the "every first episode retrospective." The next week in review will be out on Wednesday as usual.

Just wanted to know you inspired me a while back to start exercising by running and I just built up to running 30 minutes straight today. I was like "if busy as fuck Bobduh could find time, my lazy ass could too". Thanks!

Awesome work! Keep it up!

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Aw, you don't like the alt. universe Madoka stuff? I mean, I don't like ALL of them, but some of them are pretty good.

I don't have any opinion on them. Haven't read it.

Hey, loved your No Politics essay. Not really a question, but in case these sort of things bother you, there's one spot where you used "particularly piece of media" instead of "particular piece of media." Sorry if someone's pointed that out already. Looking forward to the Shirobako piece!

Fixed it! Thanks for letting me know.

Yeah, but they'll probably continue with Rebellion rather than animate those side stories. -_-;

I think Urobuchi stated he was finished with Madoka, so who knows. Although at this point I'd prefer a Rebellion continuation to more of the "brought to you by three of the interns who grabbed coffee for Urobuchi" knockoffs we've been getting lately.

I honestly wish they'd animate some of the Madoka side story manga. Like Oriko Magica, or A Different Story.

I'm pretty sure they'll animate more Madoka eventually. The series makes a whole lot of money.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Do you think Rebellion can be aptly compared to Adolescence of Utena in that respect?

Not really. Adolescence of Utena pretty much sticks to the original themes of Utena, and while it does change some stuff, those changes actually reveal new sides of the overall picture - like, the fact that making Anthy a sexually aggressive person makes Utena uncomfortable shows a new side of Utena, but a side that works perfectly in sync with everything else we know about her. Rebellion's more of a new story with new themes and new characters in the same universe.

How do you choose what images you'll use on an essay?

I generally try to stick to some sort of theme, and for posts like this, I often just go with pretty, meditative shots from shows I've been watching. I take screencaps during basically everything, so I generally have the materials I need, though I had to go back to grab that one from Kyousogiga after I decided I didn't want a more text-relevant image that broke from the visual theme with a closeup shot and subtitles.

Madoka is my favorite anime and I've kind of been avoiding Rebellion because I've heard some negative things about it "ruining the story", although i've also heard that it is a good film over all. Do you think its worth the watch or no?

It's worth a watch because it's incredibly beautiful and enjoyable, but I don't really consider it a meaningful sequel to the original. I just think of it as its own, separate thing.

that guy got a chaika gif for that? biased bobduh!

Hey, considering they normally go to the people making the /worst/ comments, I gotta mix it up.
Liked by: Eelz

senpai your essay was wonderful to read i might quote some for my own report at school, keep up the great work!

Thank you! I'll keep truckin'!
Liked by: jstorming

How's the reaction to your new essay so far?

Very positive! Though normally these things take a little while to percolate out to the worst corners of the internet, so there may be a rich crop of comments to not approve later.

Do you read every question you get on askfm, or at least read part of it, and just not answer to all, or do you just read a certain amount and then quit for the time being? Also do you sometimes try to get back to answer (or even read) older question?

I read all of them. Sometimes I'll go back to a question I remember from some days ago, but I don't really scan the archives anymore.

Is Robotics;Notes worth a watch? I really enjoyed Steins;Gate and I wanted to try something else by that writer.

I'd say so. Certainly worth a try, at least. It's uneven, but overall I definitely enjoyed it.
Liked by: Student no.0

What kind of computer do you use?

One that glows blue!
I dunno, I assembled it maybe six years ago now, so I'm not sure what you'd call it.

I'd say the Urobutcher nickname mostly comes from his days working on VNs, though there was a lot of death in Madoka too,

Yeah, I've heard the same.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

I feel like Nozaki-kun (like a lot of similar anime) shows the seams of where all the jokes were written for 4-koma too clearly. Which is a pity because aside from that it's great.

Yeah, some of it definitely felt that way. It sort of tried to split the difference between a bunch of gags and actual coherent scenes.

If it somehow helps you, the way you handle the fate question is mostly hilarious enough to make up for the frustrating contents. Though I doubt that's true for you, so hang in there!

Thank you! I'll stay strong!

Do you think Urobuchi's knack for killing characters is meaningful or just manipulative, and why?

I don't think he actually does kill characters at a rate that makes him stand out - I think that's a meme, not a meaningful criticism.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

http://ask.fm/B0bduh/answer/125931634730 That sounds about right. I also liked the gender stuff and the fact that it wasn't just aimed solely at male audiences.

Oh yeah, the gender stuff was fantastic. There's a bunch of smart stuff to unpack in how Nozaki-kun handles gender, and how media both sculpts our perspectives and exists within its own internal logic, that Nozaki-kun dances through incredibly naturally. Nozaki-kun handily demonstrates how media can gracefully illustrate various truths.


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