

Ask @B0bduh

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What Joker cover?

The alternate Killing Joke-style Batgirl cover that became a small rallying point for gross internet dudes.

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Hey Bobduh, how do you counter the "be the change you want to see" nonsense against criticism?

I guess I'd say that critical discourse in general is an incredibly important part of affecting art and culture, and that the larger conversation both directly influences what kind of art is created and how people feel voicing certain views within a given environment, and that you can both create stuff /and/ critique stuff, and that we arrive at greater understandings by interrogating what already exists. Criticism highlights stuff for both consumers and creators, adding needed points and voices to cultural conversations that affect our world in all sorts of ways. To deny any of this, I feel like you'd have to be operating from a position of not really knowing the history or nature of criticism at all.

Where is the Lovecraft influence in Bloodborne?

The monsters, mythology, tone, and worldbuilding start veering in that direction after a while. Don't really want to say more.

What should I watch if I want to feel good and happy?

Maybe Girls und Panzer, Spice and Wolf, or Love Live!

Was I the only one who thought Kunogi in Shirobako was super annoying? What was her purpose in the show?

Jokes, a small arc of her own, and helping to demonstrate Ema's growth.

Holy shit. Shirobako was ranked #1000 at MAL just a few days ago. Now it's #182. How did this happen???

A combination of MAL not counting the ratings of people who only watched a bit of it and the last-episode boost most shows receive.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Am I weird if I liked Guilty Crown, in a 'so bad it's good' way?

I think that's a pretty common thing, actually.

Any expectations, hopes, or dreams for a Shirobako S2?

Shirobako's team is great, I expect a sequel would be great. Not really gonna place any other expectations on it.

Do you relate to Tarou in Shirobako?

Not really, no. If I do something poorly, I generally feel I am painfully aware of that.

I've started watching Shirobako and was wondering if the mohawk guy ever got better? his personality just really grates on me

Tarou turns out pretty great in the end. Shirobako is kinda magical that way.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

I'm at the six episode of Rolling Girls. I really liked the first two...the following four not as much. As per your previous answer, should I save myself some time by dropping it or is there still something worth watching?

The next arc's ending is one of the show's best sequences. I might just watch that arc and then drop it, though if you didn't enjoy episodes 3-6 at all, it's probably not worth it.

What did TB say this time? If it's OK to ask

One of the Pillars of Eternity backers included a transphobic joke in the game, people flagged the creators about this, they said "dang, must have slipped past us, we'll deal with it." In response, Totalbiscuit made a soundcloud that basically doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down on the transphobia of the original comment, directly evoking the "trans people are trying to trick others" bogeyman that directly leads to trans people getting killed. He basically combines his usual "fiction doesn't matter" with "you're wrong for being offended" and just direct transphobia.

You said you're doing an essay on Shirobako, right? No rush but approximately when will it be up?

Not sure. Gotta proofread it, and I need to focus on paying work before my own essays. I'd really like to get it out before next weekend completely kills me.

How many questions do you get a day?

A bunch. I answer maybe a bit less than a third of the questions I get.

Any interest in Pillars of Eternity?

Not really. I never played the old Baldur's Gate games, and barely have time for games in general. I only make exceptions for stuff like Bloodborne.

Total Biscuit is bad. Very, very bad. Recent SoundCloud was worst.

Yep. He's not even masking his bigotry anymore. I'm not surprised that any one person harbors these awful attitudes, but it's depressing that he's got such a ready audience for it.


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