

Ask @B0bduh

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Morning, Bob! How is The Fate-ening treating you today?

My question box is actually extremely supportive this morning! I can't answer everyone, so I'd just like to say thank you to everyone for all your kind words.

Hey, I love Type-Moon, have read/watched all of Fate/Stay/Zero/ etc at this point. F/Z anime to UBW anime is perfectly fine. These people are crazy people. Hang in there bud. Sorry for my crazy peers. Also, you seem like a chill dude, so keep on keepin on.

You too! Thanks for saying so.

as someone who also likes the Fate/stay night series, I enjoyed your article and I loved your thoughts on it. I hope you continue to write about it

Thank you, and I will! I'm looking forward to UBW's second half this spring, and will surely be including it in my week in review posts at least.

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I'm a big Type-Moon fan and I wanted to let you know that I thought your article was really well written. The whole order of media consumption thing is really silly imo, it shouldn't stop anyone's enjoyment of the show. I hope the angry mob stops bothering you soon.

Thank you! I appreciate that. Things seem to be calming down a bit now, thankfully.

Yo, Bobduh. Can you read any french ?

Nope. I took Spanish in high school and Japanese in college and promptly forgot both of them.

So do I have a better chance of getting a response to an ask with an F/SN rant than a carefully-crafted question? Would it help if I unwittingly incited you into deciding to respond with just a K-ON! / Chaika gif?

I do like responding with Chaika gifs! Honestly, sometimes the well-crafted questions are just ones I don't have time to really construct a worthwhile answer to at some given time, and so I just answer some derpy ones instead, but I do try to write worthwhile answers when I can. It's just a matter of the time I have!

In the midst of everything, just wanted to say I'm really looking forward to your week in review! Awesome episodes from Shirobako and Death Parade this week and I'm really excited to see your take/write-ups! Fight on bobduhhh

Glad to hear it! I've got sizable blurbs on both of them again this week, so hopefully you enjoy the piece!
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi


...we've got ones like this. This has been quite a night.

No you aren't. You probably read through the ANN thread and realized how wrong you were about several things but it's too late to change the review so you're just embracing it and trying to bask in your ignorance. I can't blame you, I would do the same thing.

This one's been making me giggle for a while now, so I figured I'd share it with you guys. And on the other end of the spectrum...

Do you think the overwhelming response is due to your depiction of Fate as a fun action show rather than the deep philosophical show its fans seem to see it as? That seems to make the most sense to me, although this whole thing kind of defies logic...

I think it's because Fate's particular nature inspires intensely rabid, identity-focused fandom. Fate sits at a very specific intersection of the kinds of things that appeal to people who get /super intensely defensive/ of their media, and we're seeing the consequences of that here. It frankly kinda makes me want to finish reading the visual novel just so I can better articulate an overall piece on the fan psychology we're dealing with, because this is pretty much a perfect case study of many of the things I find really interesting(/horrifying) about media.

"I told you guys about identifying too closely with your media!" says the guy who's response to Madoka criticism is they "couldn't parse the text". You are a true hypocrite, and clearly regret posting that review.

I seriously haven't seen anything even close to this response with any other piece. Even the stuff that straight-up interrogated the audience, instead of just saying "I think this show is generally good but has some issues." What is WITH Fate fans?

Is this whole FSN business more amusing, saddening, or frightening to you?

It's not really "frightening," because the awful rage of people who identify way too deeply with their media has been clear for a long time, and is something I've talked about many times before. It was definitely pretty funny for a while, but now it's moving towards the second one. I talk about this stuff because it poisons discussions and hurts people - both the people who define themselves by their media and the people they act out that rage upon. It's not a good place to be!
Incidentally, here's the piece where I addressed this stuff most directly in the past. I should probably do a more specific piece about what's going on here, but this'll have to do for now:

Just letting you know that not every TM fan is an insecure and pedantic with a persecution complex. Your review was fair and I know a lot are behind you. HANG IN THERE! http://goo.gl/alxPp4

Thank you! I actually know a lot of people who are perfectly reasonable fans of Fate stuff, and yeah, they're all kind of staring wide-eyed at what's going on as well. The fandom overall is really something, but it's totally cool to enjoy any of this stuff!

I just read your FSN review and I don't see the problem. You said Rin and Shirou were cool, so we're cool. Cool?

Sounds cool to me! I liked the show overall, as I said.

Is Fate a good anime? Which one should I watch? There's a lot of them and they all look the same.

I'd recommend watching Fate/Zero first, and if you enjoy that checking out the current series, Unlimited Blade Works.
Liked by: Derp Jeep


Language: English