

Ask @B0bduh

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But why won't you play the VN of your own accord? It's amazing and character focused which is what you love. It builds a detailed urban fantasy setting and uses it to explore its main character, his worldview, and why he acts the way he does. The concept of heroism as applied in a modern setting...

Because I tried it and found the writing and pacing really bad.

Reward tiers should be dealt in chapters of the F/SN VN ;)

People have actually mentioned my playing that as something they really want to see, and yeah, I'd do that for Patreon. If my ANN work hasn't made it clear, the number of things you can pay me to do vastly outstrips the number of things I'll do for polite applause. Writers can't be choosers.

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I noticed you didn't mention Death Note in your top30 list and it's not on your MAL list. Not criticizing you, just curious why, since it's so highly regarded by lots of people.

I've read the manga, which I enjoyed well enough. I'll watch the show at some point, but there's basically no chance it'll make my list - I consider Death Note a significantly worse version of Code Geass, and Code Geass is already just in the addendum.

Boooooooooooooooooooooobduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, set up a Patreon so I can pay you for your awesome writing~

I'm working on it, and it should be up soon. Is there anything you guys would like for reward tiers, or specific projects? I'm not sure what I could offer beyond what I already do, but maybe you guys know what you want. I should probably make a blog post about this.

Awesome! Follow-up Q: Favorite Champ and position?

Jake Shiraki
I think I find Blitzcrank the most fun to play, but I normally play jungler. In that position, it's Nautilus, who I'm sure has been strategically irrelevant for a while now. I always used to play tanky junglers with my friends, so I was sad to see the role moving more towards assassins/bruisers.
...christ, Nautilus was released three years ago.

What anime do you think is the most influential today? Is it Haruhi?

It depends on what you mean by "most influential." Like, Astro Boy was pretty influential in that it established the model for TV anime based on cost-cutting, limited animation, and vastly underselling your product, which both started the TV anime medium and still has structural consequences today. Gundam was pretty important both in terms of the changing demographics of anime and the position of fan culture as a social/economic necessity. Evangelion was pretty important in both a narrative/trope shift and the movement towards late-night anime. Haruhi was a pretty big player in the light novel adaptation boom. Witch Craft Works was pretty important because Tanpopo is the best.

Would you consider Mushishi iyashikei?

Probably not? I feel like it has too much conflict and the wrong mood, at least compared to the series people normally point to as great iyashikei.

I stopped having time to follow you for the last little while but have recently come back and I'm lost. I used to be in the loop just by discussion on reddit(which you no longer do) and your website. What do you use now besides your website and ANN for me to get context on ask answers/other things?

Simon Zhao
Pretty much everything I post is available by checking my website and twitter. I link ANN articles on my blog, and link Ask.fm answers on my twitter (@B0bduh).

Are there any iyashikei anime that you find enjoyable?

It's not really my thing. The closest I come to that is like, Barakamon or Eccentric Family.

Are you a fan of the entrepreneurial dream?

If it were a real thing, I guess it could be pretty cool. It doesn't really share much in common with our existing reality, though.

Did you play Demon's Souls?

Yep! The Souls series is one of my favorite game franchises. I even grinded those stupid katana skeletons to get a Pure Bladestone.

It's probably too early to ask this, but do you think Yuri Bear Storm will make it in to you top 30?

Definitely too early to tell. Ikuhara shows too unpredictable. I've liked the last couple episodes a lot more than I liked the first three, though, so it's in a good place at the moment.

Do you think F/SN would have been better if Shirou was a girl and Saber was a guy as Nasu originally intended?

Based on what I've seen, Nasu attempting to write a female protagonist would not have been preferable.

Since we're on the Fate question train: Which authors or directors do you think could make the most effective use of the Fate universe or Holy Grail War premise?

Dunno. I think the Fate universe is incredibly over-busy in a way that makes it very difficult to tell a good story in it. I had issues with Fate/Zero, but one thing I have to commend it for is doing its best to tell an actual story in that mess of a universe.

How much credence do you lend to an author's stated intent with a work when analyzing it?

It's nice to know what a creator was allegedly trying to do, and can help illuminate why some choices were made, but the work often tells its own story.
Liked by: Eelz Rose Bridges

What do you think about Saber being a genderswapped King Arthur?

I don't really think anything about it. It's King Arthur as a cute anime girl.

How do you take notes?

I keep a google doc open while watching stuff. Switching my focus to a lot of bluray watching has actually been a great help, since now I can take notes without pausing. Though I should probably just change my setup so that even when I'm watching airing shows, I'm taking notes on my computer while the show streams uninterrupted on my tv monitor. Pausing for brief notes takes too long.

You don't watch/read FSN for the 10 seconds "porn" sequence that pop out in every 20+ hour route, you do it for the intricate plot and characterization as well as its interesting take on the whole superhero trope in fiction. That's why they got rid of those scenes in the newer versions of the VN.

will I be getting these asks forever


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