

Ask @B0bduh

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Just saw that you gave Oreimo 1/10. How did it earn that one point?

It didn't. One is the floor of MAL's rating system.
Unless you're asking "how did it earn that terrible rating," in which case it's because it was both physically painful to sit through and totally dedicated to promoting a toxic, self-destructive ideology of media obsession and disengagement from the world. The characters and plot were certainly awful, but only things I think are legit poison get a 1.
Liked by: Derp Jeep Mel

Can you give us a sneak preview of The List, including what's next on it?

I just throw everything onto my plan to watch list on MAL:
I haven't looked at/updated that in a while, though - I see it's got stuff like Little Busters on it, which I'm clearly never going to watch.
I used to have a more clear idea of what I was going to watch in what order, but I felt that was making me feel less excited about jumping into new shows, so now I just finish stuff and pick what I want to watch then.

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Do you even update your MAL?

Haven't recently. I should go through and add all the 50-60 shows I've dropped over the last few months.

Do you think that Parasyte's sexism is it showing its age? Hope said something about that, that it's the kind of "lazy fridging" you get more flack for now, but it didn't seem as tired in '80s comics.

It does seem pretty reflective of old comics - that term was invented based on American comics from Back In The Day, so yeah. Of course, on the other hand, I don't think Parasyte is /nearly/ as sexist as many modern shows, so...
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Madoka has shounen catchphrases? When? I watched the whole series and I didn't notice any of them (or at least the phrasing was quite different).

Maybe they were talking about Sayaka actively trying to play the hero? I dunno, people tend to really stretch and simplify to make these hypocrisy arguments. It generally comes down to stuff like "you liked Katanagatari, so how can you not like Kill la Kill? THEY BOTH HAVE SWORDS."

Uh, what? Tamiya Ryouko is, like, the most badass character in the series.

As I said, the show isn't /trying/ to be sexist. But it falls on classic story patterns for stories like this that are kind of sexist, mainly in killing off a female character anytime someone needs a motivation boost. Tamiya being great and the show relying on a lazy old-fashioned conceit can coexist.

I've seen a lot of people criticize Parasyte for its treatment of female characters, especially fridging, but you haven't said that much about it in your reviews. What are your thoughts?

It's true, it has that problem. I don't think the show's malicious or anything, I think it's just boy-centric and kind of lazy in its storytelling. It's a passive sexism you see in a lot of things.

Ever considered trying the new Android: Netrunner? The mechanics sprung from Richard Garfield, and it's a really smart game.

Yeah, I read Leigh Alexander's article on it. It seems fun, but I don't really have time for the games I already own, so...

wait how much magic the gathering do you play?

Pretty much none, now. I used to play a ton of vintage in high school (back when it was Type 1), and did a lot of drafting in college, but now I basically just watch LSV videos while eating dinner.

There are decent and intelligent video-reviewers/commenters out there. Foldable Human did a great analysis on End of Evangelion. Kyle Kallgren taught me a lot of about movies. Tony Zhou's "Every Frame a Painting" videos are always great.

Ooh, I have seen the Every Frame a Painting series, which is great. I don't mean to imply there aren't good video critics out there.

Based on that last ask, does that mean that you are critical of caustic video game reviewers (eg. Yahtzee Croshaw, Angry Gamer Nerd etc)?

I wouldn't say critical, exactly. It's just not my thing at all - I think textual criticism is generally sharper and more appealing to me, and as a writer myself I'm sad to see that criticism seems to be moving in the YouTube direction. But I guess that makes me old man yelling at cloud.

Is there still a role for critics in this new media landscape? I am genuinely confused whether in my writing I should approach more critical writing (which I respect and enjoy a lot) or just embrace listicles and TVTropes-like approach (which I quite enjoy but have almost no respect for)

There's certainly a lot more demand for the second one! That or making loud noises about videogames on youtube. My general advice would be "do what makes you happy personally, don't try to make a career out of it."

How much of Utena's story would you say is told through metaphor? Like, if you don't necessarily "get" the symbolism, are you missing vital chunks of the story? I feel like I know what's going on, but there's also a lot that might be going over my head.

Most of the story is told through the story, and the most important metaphorical stuff is repeated pretty often. The last third might get a bit tricky, but maybe not.

Have you seen any MLP?

I watched the first episode a while ago, to see what was inspiring all this fandom. It seemed like a competent children's show? Seeing it didn't really do much to clarify the fan obsession.
Liked by: Mel

Even if they are targeted at different audiences, do you think the main appeal of MLP and "cute anime girl shows" for their older male viewers is similar?

Dunno. I don't really know what adult MLP fans get out of watching it.

After reading a lot about GG, it boggles my mind that people still think inequality is OK (blanket statement but char cap). I want to be more proactive instead of just aware but I also want to live a selfish life of supporting myself and my family. Does this make me a bad person? Or a hypocrite?

We're all kind of hypocrites - we all balance what we believe to be right and the most noble course of action with our immediate needs and desire for happiness and the success of the people we love. We just have to find balances that work for us while trying to do what good we can.

So far, is Bear Storm any better than Penguindrum?

It's too rushed, unfortunately. But it's improving over time, and the most recent episode was fantastic.


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