

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you just want to stop with the politics? There are dedicated places for that stuff, and I find your media related answers much more insightful than your politic answers which are just out of hand dismissals (seeing as politics generally requires long lengthy discussion and such).

I find the idea of being told on my personal ask.fm page to "stop with the politics, there are dedicated places for that stuff" pretty funny. Along with the idea that questions like "but wait, what if feminism is actually bad" deserve more than Chaika gifs, for that matter.
Liked by: L. Jerome

Since you've expressed criticism of "internet rationalists" before (and I heard you're writing a post about this too?) I thought this blog post might interest you: http://freethoughtblogs.com/almostdiamonds/2014/11/24/why-i-am-not-a-rationalist/

Good stuff! Gets at a lot of important points. I appreciate the articulation of how internet rationalism's opposition to the humility of acknowledging expertise makes its proponents even more likely to be wrong than they would be otherwise. You run into this so often - people who think they've logic'd out the solution to cultural issues with decades of existing discourse because they watched a youtube video by an atheist they like.
Liked by: Anime GX

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Have you watched Yuki Yuna is a Hero? If so, what are the similarities and differences between Yuki Yuna and Madoka Magica?

I only watched the first episode, so I can't really say.

Do you think that it reflects anything notable how parent characters in Monogatari, though often discussed, are rarely present and even more rarely distinct, that maybe Nisio Isin had a troubled and/or distant relationship with his parents or something along those lines?

That's an interesting thought. It seems possible - Katanagatari also returns to the theme of "the family we choose is what's important, the family we're given can be a burden."
Liked by: Bristle

Your advice to just step back and take a walk before getting pissy on the Internet has been a great help to my overall mood (even if it leaves me in despair over some of the horrible things I see won't be corrected.) Thanks!

No problem! We gotta take care of ourselves.

Not all boards on 4chan are bad! You seem to be most familiar with /v/ and /a/, which aren't representative of the whole.

Alright, I guess? I'm not really tempted to check all of them to confirm that either way.

Do you have any gripes with Yuri Kuma Arashi at the moment?

It seems kinda rushed, which hurts both the atmosphere and the characterization. We're hitting all the bullet points of the narrative, but the story needs more room to breathe.

Hey man, could you expound on this? "The [r/TrueAnime] mods have essentially cultivated an atmosphere of confrontation and negativity". How do you do that?

The rule of thumb with online communities is "you create the worst community you allow." Meaning that in an environment with light moderation, the worst comments allowable by that moderation will come to dominate, as people who want a more civil/positive environment will eventually just leave over time. This is why places like 4chan are full of the worst people on the internet - all the scum trickles down to whatever environment allows its presence, and 4chan allows almost everything.
In /r/trueanime's case, not only did the mods not discourage/moderate confrontational contributors and personal attacks, they actively encouraged confrontation, derided consensus opinions they disliked, and even participated in some of the ugliness. When you actively encourage an environment of confrontation and "challenging everyone," you don't create an environment amenable to people with the "most defensible opinions" - you create an environment full of people who want to pick online fights, while losing the people who're looking for positive discussion. And thus show responses are now full of people like Snob, who're essentially daring people to like things so they can "exercise their wit."

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Liked by: Emily

Out of morbid curiosity...what exactly DID people learn from huniepop?

"What women want," apparently.
And yes, this was a gerbergater, if that weren't already apparent.

Is there a, "Proper Balance," of description and critique in a review? Can a review range from long descriptions peppered with critique to paragraphs of critique with little description, or does the writer need to carefully balance the two opposed elements?

There are all sorts of different ways to write reviews, and no single "correct" set of priorities to emphasize. It just depends on what you're trying to accomplish with your writing.

What kind of professional scientist would make a Youtube account called 'thunderf00t' in order to rant about feminism and video games? The thought just makes me lol.

It's pretty silly. Just shows that expert knowledge in one field doesn't necessarily translate to general knowledge, maturity, or really much of anything else.
Liked by: Jeff Ruberg

You've mentioned professional training with writing and self-taught film knowledge. Anything on sculpture, architecture, painting, drama, music, or any other art forms missed here?

Verum Venari
I took scattered theater and art classes in college, but nothing serious. And it's not formal knowledge, but I've been in a band for about ten years, and do a lot of the singing and songwriting.

Hey I wanted to let you know that I've been watching your top 30 anime list and it has been quite the ride so far. I went top down and I'm currently on Mushi-shi and it is something. Thanks for all the recs!

No problem! Glad you're having a good time with it!

What was that "haha, I caught you out in being a person with opinions that change based on context" nonsense about?

When an opinion makes an internet person feel insecure, one of their most common responses is to try and invalidate the perspective of the person making them feel that way. This often takes the form of "but what about THIS?! Now all your opinions are void and I can go back to not questioning my preexisting perspective!"

I'm willing to learn. If I say something completely ignorant, instead of posting a silly gif you could at least write a few words pointing out how could I improve my thinking. Just a thought.

Sorry dude, not buying it. Your question was transparent and weirdly self-righteous gotcha bait.

Honest question. Do you think escapism is inherintly bad? I watch anime and play games to take a break from the real world sometimes, but if I otherwise act responsible and engage with my problems, is there any harm in it?

Nope! Escapism only becomes a problem if you actually disengage from the real world, or if you ignore the messages of your media.

Hey, I just wanted to let you know that your essay on the Evangelion Rebuilds was one of the best Evangelion essays I've read. It really helped me appreciate Evangelion 3.33 in particular.

Glad you enjoyed it!

I know many people that love the idea being the absolute best at any cost. Do you have any idea on what draws them to Ping Pong's themes?

Dunno. All the characters in that show get "punished" for attempting to win at any cost. The show couldn't really come down harder on the idea - it essentially says that pushing only for results will leave you empty, and that only by enjoying what you do because you enjoy doing it can you find happiness.

Someone might have mentioned it to you already, but your Yuri Kuma write up for episode 3 shows up in full on the Home tab (basically, there's no "continue reading" thing)!

Woops! Thanks, fixed.


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