

Ask @B0bduh

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How do ANN writers choose what shows they cover? Who gets to pick first?

We all submit lists of five preferred shows, they try to assign shows based on that.

Don't you think that the first episode of Yuri Bear Storm was less compelling than Utena/Penguindrum? The other two got me interested in the characters right from the get-go. Yuri Bear Storm had to spend a lot of time explaining its world because it's so strange...

I think Bear Storm's hampered because of its length. Utena and Penguindrum had time to let their characters be themselves for a while, but Bear Storm apparently needs all the time it can get to set up all its pieces.

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Your notes helped me understand YBS better. Thanks! ...I have a feeling I'll be relying on them if I keep watching. T_T

I'll try to keep them up! I enjoyed tidying this one up - it's been a while since I did a timestamp thing, and the last one I was working on was friggin' SAO, so it's nice to go back to talking about real craft again.

I'm curious what battle shonen people seen that is anything like HxH's first arc (focusing on game dynamics).

Agreed. Sounds like something I'd be interested in.

When does HxH get great? I've heard really good things about it but I'm 18 episodes in and it's still a fairly safe, standard battle shonen.

Personally, I found it pretty great from early on, but I think the first A+ arc is Yorknew City, which you're about halfway to.
Liked by: Jake Shiraki

What was your favorite message/theme from HxH?

Jake Shiraki
Probably "people change." That show is very good at fully articulating characters and then bringing them through journeys that totally rearrange their values while still having them feel like the same person.
Liked by: Jake Shiraki

Will I be able to understand Yuri Bear Storm without having seen Utena?

It's not really about understanding the material so much as being accustomed to Ikuhara's style of storytelling. Yuri Bear Storm is much less apologetic than either of his two previous shows in that regard - you're jumping in at the metaphor/stage play/playful sense of reality deep end with a work that's more overtly sexual than either Penguindrum or Utena.

Should I jump into Yuri Bear Storm having not seen any other Ikuhara show, or should I start with Revolutionary Girl Utena?

I'd probably start with Utena.

Why do you say things like "Hopefully he comes to realize that before he does something he can't take back." when you read the manga already?

As I've said before, I never finished it and don't really remember anything past the mom arc.

So I've been loving the hell out of Genshiken and I want to introduce it to my friends. I'm having a hard time making the premise sound appealing however so how would you tell it Bobduh?

It's a slice of life/comedy full of people that actually feel real. It's one of the few stories I've run into that's able to really capture the feeling of natural conversations between friends, and partially because of that, it's extremely good at humanizing people through their faults. If you like people, you'll probably like Genshiken.

Do you dislike Nilhistic themes? And i don't mean Urobuchi stuff since they are pretty happy at the end. Something i notice about your preferences is that you seem to prefer works that espouses the virtues of humans instead of their absolute worst. Is it problematic to like the latter?

Yeah, not really a fan - I find nihilism to be a pretty limited philosophy. Nothing "problematic" about liking them, though.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Are you reviewing every Monogatari SS arc for ANN?

All the ones that came out since I started working there, starting with Medusa.

How is Shinobu Time going?

Review's almost done. It's less of a thematic breakdown than Medusa, because... well, because Shinobu Time's a much worse arc than Medusa. It still hopefully highlights the good stuff, though.

So are episodic posts coming back for Yuri Bear Storm or just the regular ANN-style posts?

Not sure. It may depend on whether I'm already covering something else that day. I will say that I really, really want to, and that I was tempted to for this first episode, and that I'll probably end up adding a bunch of images to the notes I already took and posting that regardless.

Do you take extensive notes for every episode of every show you watch, or is the number greater during those for which you know you'll do a complete writeup?

Verum Venari
It's pretty much everything, now. Except for stuff I'm rewatching, or light stuff I watch to unwind (like Occult Academy).

Didn't Urobuchi himself comment on a number of intended feminist messages IN Madoka?

Did he? If that interview exists, I'd like to read it.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

"People who try to reduce this conversation to either of those far-edge positions are trying to sell you or themselves something" What happened to moderate-GG'ers are toxic? Certainly some of the extreme anti-GG'ers are in the ban camp, and need a rebuttal. Or am I thinking of the wrong people?

You are definitely thinking of the wrong people. GG is a fringe group that exists far outside of the actual conversation.


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