

Ask @B0bduh

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Can I still call myself 'liberal' if I have very liberal social attitudes 'LGBTQ rights, pro-choice, etc.' but I know almost nothing about economics and finance and so completely ignore discussions about them?

Yeah, sure! Honestly, I think the two tie together in a huge number of ways, because a tremendous number of the problems people face on the social front are based in issues of structural inequality and discrimination that conservative, anti-government or anti-regulation politics tend to disregard or pretend don't exist. So if you're dedicated to promoting liberal causes on the one hand, you'll probably just naturally start to see how these pieces fit together over time.
There's a narrow internet band of new conservatives that that last Ask was talking about, who tend to agree with progressive social positions in a "general way" ("I don't dislike black or gay people, that's stupid!"), but refuse to acknowledge they themselves might exist in a position of advantage ("if I succeed, it's only because I worked hard! 'Privilege' is an imaginary concept!"), and so when it comes down to it are functionally conservatives. But as long as you're willing to put your ego aside and actually listen to the people you're trying to support, you hopefully shouldn't fall into that group - that perspective is generally fed by an echo chamber. Just straight-up not being knowledgeable about an issue isn't a crime - it's /willful/ ignorance that causes problems.

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What if Gamergate never ends?

It won't, even if the name goes away. "Gamergate" is just a handy title for the reactionary conservative instincts that have always existed in nerd culture, which combines elements of tech worship, libertarianism, social fears, and a general fantasy of the self as being a lone rational actor beset by a sea of injustices. I saw a great breakdown of the general "political group" we're seeing stabilize here a couple days ago:

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I saw Milo's comment about Brianna Wu's dog. WHAT THE FLIPPING FUCK!? Is that the sort of thing an 'ethical' journalist is supposed to say?

He's just a legitimately awful person, as are most GG leaders. If you point this out, GGers will either say "we have no leaders!" or the slightly more adult-sounding "guilt by association is a fallacy!", because it's bad politics to admit that the leaders everyone can see are perfectly reflective of their attitudes at large.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Do you ever feel jealous of great writers?

All the time! I obviously enjoy reading great things, but a part of me will also almost be mad while I'm reading it, frustrated at the thought that I'll never get that good.
Liked by: polpardo

I started watching Hunter X Hunter 2011 because of you, and just let me say it's already my favorite Shounen and I've seen a fair amount. I've only seen 50 episodes, is it only going to get better with time?

Juuust wait.

Thoughts on Ayn Rand and objectivism?

It's the ignorant narcissism of adolescent boys given a big fancy name. The fact that actual adults hold up her work as insightful is profoundly embarrassing for our species.

If you have a close friend that you love and care about deeply but feel like they are basically a toxicity in your life and cause a lot of unnecessary problems, what do you do?

It sounds like you already know that something here has to change. Is this something you can actually talk to this person about, and try to improve? If they're causing real problems in your life, then maintaining things as they are is not an option - your first obligation is to live in a space that is healthy for you, and you should not feel guilty for pursuing that. If you care about them, and it seems like it could possibly be a productive conversation, then I'd say the best thing you can do for both of you is try to be honest with them about how things need to change. But if you can't see a way to improve the situation either through working with them or simply shifting their space in your life, then be willing to make painful calls for your own sake. That is not selfishness - you owe it to yourself and those who care about you to ensure you're living in a space that is positive for you.
I don't know you or your situation, so I might suggest talking to people who you trust who might be able to offer more specific advise. Sometimes a friend's perspective can really help. And good luck!

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What are some critically-acclaimed musicians or bands you aren't fond of?

In the indie rock circles I generally associated with, it'd be Vampire Weekend. I find their music totally flat and unappealing, with no emotion at all.
Most mainstream rock music from the mid 80s and onward doesn't really do anything for me - basically once you get post-Zeppelin, everything I like is punk and indie rock and alt-country and whatnot. I don't enjoy grunge at all. Or the Beastie Boys, who got played way too much on the crappy alt-rock radio stations I listened to back in high school.

Do you think your opinion on Spice and Wolf changed after you rewatched it?

Not really. I think I might watch it again dubbed at some point, actually - I think the subs I was using were pretty wonky.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Dude. What about the Bahamut OP. My ears were crying tears of blood 20 seconds in.

My only problem with the Bahamut OP is that the best part of the song is wasted on that glowing-orb montage, when it should really be set to a dynamic chase scene or something. It's otherwise pretty great - silly song, but not an actively bad one, and solid visuals.

Yeah, I love "Photograph" because it smacks you in the face with its awfulness two seconds in, which is a miraculous feat of musical awfulness that's hard to top. Wait, now I need a question here. Favorite and least favorite anime OP song of the year?

Jacob Hope Chapman
Haha yeah, the second I first heard it, my immediate thought was, "goddamnit, Nickelback made their version of THAT song."
Favorite OP would probably be KimiUso, with Ping Pong and Barakamon as runner-ups. Least favorite would be Chuunibyou Ren, that song is AWFUL. With I guess Knights of Sidonia as runner-up.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

You watched Love Live? What did you think? Do you have a favorite character?

It's generally a fun, breezy show, though the last third falters as it attempts to box in a dramatic weight bracket it's not equipped for. My favorite Love Lives are Nozomi and Hanayo.

Oh. Did you read the manga? For some reason I thought you watched the show and enjoyed it, haha. It seemed like the kind of show you would enjoy- fantastic honest romantic banter. Reminded me of ToraDora :D

Jake Shiraki
Yeah - it's actually my favorite manga, which is probably what you saw me talking about.
Liked by: Jake Shiraki

Worth playing the game again just for his whole arc if you didn't get all the way to Ash Lake with it. How much time have you spent in Dark Souls/Dark Souls 2?

A lot.

Have you done Siegmeyer's quest line? If ever there was a great character in Dark Souls, would be him.

I think I screwed it up in the Lost Izalith segment. Though he was a pretty cool guy up until then.


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