

Ask @B0bduh

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What even creates a person as disgusting as weev? I have a hard time being optimistic about humanity when people like him exist.

I seriously don't know. It's true, he's a vile, abominable human being, and the fact that he's one of the biggest public faces of the "vigilante hacker" subculture is incredibly depressing. weev seems like living proof that the face you adopt online isn't a mask at all, and that we really need to start taking acts of internet violence seriously.
Liked by: EddyAntiStu

How are you liking Crest of the Stars so far?

I was really enjoying it, but I stupidly started watching it when I was also watching two other shows ("I'm on vacation! I know, I'll watch EVERYTHING!"), so I'm probably gonna have to refresh myself when I return to it. I remember it having legitimately good dialogue, which is something I generally associate with like 2-3 shows a year.

Do you like Johnny Cash?

Haven't really listened to him. Most of the country I listen to is more recent alt-country stuff, like Wilco, Lucero, The Drive-By Truckers, or The Vigilantes of Love.

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Was your plot twist post brought about because of your post on Parasyte 7?

Nah, I'd been working on this one for a couple weeks... can't quite remember what initially prompted it. I'm glad to hear someone's actually reading the Parasyte posts, though! I'm generally pretty happy with those.

Is Bobduh x Mushishi Ever Again a doomed ship?

I might just make a series of independent posts on each episode as I catch up, or something. It's certainly the kind of show that lends itself to individual episode posts.

Did you like Hunter X Hunter's opening theme?

It's alright. I don't like that committee bullshit forced them to keep the same song for 150 episodes.

What is so great about Hunter X Hunter. I've only seen a couple of episodes and it seems just like your average generic Shounen

It builds up over time, though even in the first arc, it's very well-paced and full of invention. I'd say it first "kicks into gear" when the real exam starts, but its high points later on dwarf the early material.

Would you recommend drunkwatching Utena to the uninitiated? (i.e., this asker)

No. I only watched a few episodes far into the series drunk, when I was already aware of and comfortable parsing all the many tricks that show is constantly performing.

getting smash 4?

Nah. I would, but I don't have a Wii U. This is actually the first generation where I haven't bought the new Nintendo console upon release.

"People doomed to failure trying to give up their lives for something greater." What a pretty line. Do you feel Chimera Ant arc from Hunter shared this feeling in any way?

Yes, definitely. Many of my favorite works of art share that feeling.

Ok now I have to ask, what makes an anime particularly a good one to watch drunk?

Generally it's the shows that make you wonder if the creators themselves were drunk when they were making them. Other good choices include Shiki, Samurai Flamenco, and Girls und Panzer. Over-the-top action and some comedy also tend to work.

Do you recommend watching anime drunk? If so, which ones?

Yes. Code Geass is a great choice, but there are others. I watched a decent bit of the Revolution saga of Utena drunk, and that was amazing, but that's more of an expert level drunk anime watch.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Hehe, when I was going through depression my mom would always say "you seem to be perfectly fine", and it pissed me off so much every time. I wishmore people would know how assholish it is.

Yeah, it's reaaaaally not helpful.

Best song on Tallahassee? (protip: the only options are "Oceanographer's Choice" and "No Children")

My pick would be either Game Shows Touch Our Lives or Old College Try.
I've already gotten to use "Like a trash can fire in a prison cell / Like the search lights in the parking lots of hell / I will walk down to the end with you / If you will come all the way down with me" in an essay (http://wrongeverytime.com/2014/02/24/lets-die-together-diebuster-and-oblivion/). Still holding out on the right choice for "People say friends don't destroy one another / What do they know about friends?" Maybe Aku no Hana?
Anyway. I strum and sing those two songs to myself all the damn time. That album is so good.

You listen to any Paul Simon? Or Simon and Garfunkel?

Yeah. I like Simon and Garfunkel's output a lot more - they've got some great songs. I think America is my favorite, though it's hard to pick just one. "Keep the Customer Satisfied" was a nice one when I was working retail...
Liked by: Rose Bridges

"Can you give away your life like a good luck charm" is your lifes philosophy? Care to elaborate?

I've only got so many years here. I want to translate as much of that time and energy as I can into work that means something to other people. I want my life to be meaningful, and for me personally, meaning comes from creating art and criticism that helps others feel more understood and less alone.

What do you consider to be the Vigilantes of Love's best album, lyrically?

Kind of an impossible question to answer - Bill Mallonee's a poet, all of his albums have their lyrical highlights. I do know that the lyrics of Good Luck Charm stick with me more than any other song - "You make your smile a different way to cry" and "Can you give away your life like a good luck charm" get me every time. I think the second line there is pretty close to my life philosophy.
So I guess Audible Sigh, then. It's my favorite of their albums, I think it has the most consistent peaks, and its lyrics are pretty universally great - other highlights would be "Resplendent" and "Solar System." But then of course Blister Soul has "Skin," which might be my actual favorite song by any artist, and Summershine has "Sailors," and...

Would you agree that the sense of overwhelming and inevitable defeat gave Reach a feeling of sad beauty?

YES, I WOULD. Reach was the one and only time Halo's narrative has ever approached emotional resonance (or just intelligent prose and plotting, for that matter), and goddamn did it make the most of it. It wasn't great literature or anything, but it established a solid cast of characters, told its story with some actual grace, and really sold the desperation and resilience of its cast, and the inherent tragedy of its narrative. Halo is normally a story about Power Fantasy Man driving trucks over aliens - Reach was a story about people doomed to failure trying to give up their lives in service of something greater. Holy shit was that a nice change of pace.
I really wish more videogame stories were allowed to be about slow defeat instead of inevitable triumph. There were so many times in Reach when you could look out across the battlefield and not help but think, "we're going to lose this war." It's a powerful feeling.

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