

Ask @B0bduh

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What's your favorite shooter?

Left 4 Dead. Fantastic asymmetrical gameplay, great flavor, and a thrilling co-op experience on both sides. I've almost certainly played over a thousand hours of Left 4 Dead/Left 4 Dead 2.

What do you think of Counterstrike?

I've had a lot of fun with it here and there over the years, though I've never been particularly great at it. With good reason - it's a pretty damn high floor, high ceiling game. I played the original Counterstrike back in high school (or middle school, maybe? It's been a long time), played Source in college, screwed around with variant games like zombie mode now and then... it's one of those games that's fundamentally well-designed enough that you can always return to it and have a good gameplay experience. It's not my favorite shooter, but it's a classic for a reason.

So since most of Saber's character growth happens in FSN, do you think F/Z could have done much to improve her presentation? Or were they just stuck with a weak central character because of the way the series was built?

I guess it really depends on how much more the story could actually have been "allowed" to do with her. I would have had more sympathy for her perspective if they humanized her in some way I could relate to, but they didn't. Her obsession with "chivalry" and total obliviousness to everyone around her didn't strike me as tragic, because I couldn't relate to anything about her.
That said, people seem to love the crap out of Saber's character, so apparently she appeals to people for /some/ reason.

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You seems to love monogatari but at the same time don't like fanservice and completely hate any use of rape scenes in anime. Don't Monogatari insane amount of fanservice and Hanekawa being supposedly "raped" in this opening http://imgur.com/2rg0NIy bothered you?

1. I like some parts of Monogatari more than others. I find some of Monogatari's stuff pretty gross and creepy.
2. That said, a great deal of Monogatari's "fanservice" is actually really purposeful stuff - the show is heavily /about/ sexuality, and the camera's eye is generally an extremely conscious choice. There's some male gaze, but there's also a huge amount of "this is what this character focuses on" or "this is how this character wants to be perceived." That's actually smart, purposeful visual storytelling.
3. And Hanekawa's story in particular is largely about her response to abuse, and trying to find self-worth. As I said regarding Cross Ange, context matters - I'm not "against" any story element every time, I just want those elements to be used meaningfully.

Will you add that gibli show to the week in review pile?

Probably not. My schedule's packed, it's not getting good buzz, and looking at it makes me sad.

" Chaika is Chaika. This season is more Chaika to supplement our existing Chaika. Please get your Chaika while Chaikas last." is that supposed to be a review of Hitsugi no Chaika?

Yep. Think I covered everything.

Do you like when Parasyte DROPS THE BASE wub wub wub wub!?

BWAAAAAWAWAWAWA yeah that really worked a lot better in JoJo than it does in Parasyte.

have you ever seen The Fountain?

Nope. The only Aronofksy film I've seen is Black Swan, which is embarrassing, I know.

Will Yuuki Yuna or Mushishi be on the preview guide when they air?

Nope. Preview guide's done. I think Hope's covering Mushishi though, and it'll go in my week in review posts.
Shit, I still gotta watch that two-parter, actually...

Why didn't you like Saber in Fate/Zero?

Because her philosophy was crazy-simplistic to the point where it seemed to actively clash with everything else the show was doing, and she never actually grew. She was the show's "characters represent different ideologies clashing" at its most blatant, and her "downfall" wasn't that compelling because her beliefs were hopelessly, transparently naive from moment one. If the show wanted to actually stress-test Kiritsugu's perspective, it needed to offer a better counter-argument than Saber. And "chivalry" is a lot less compelling in a human context than "belief in my friends" or whatnot.

Who was your avatar before the mighty Speedwagon?

Nobody, actually. I only got a twitter account about a year and a half ago.

How did you get into anime?

Toonami after school and Adult Swim on the weekends. My first shows were stuff like DBZ and Tenchi and Outlaw Star.

Do you read other anime blogs when you get the chance? What was the first anime blog you ever read?

I used to more, but I'm too busy now.
Not sure what the first one I read was. Maybe the Cart Driver, but I dunno.

I know gg reactions to that Bayo review is funny and all but that Polygon review even made me wonder if the guy understood the game or the character at all. I can understand him being uncomfortable but he was raging with utter disgust which showed his lack of analysis and open mindedness.

Haven't played the game, haven't read the review. Have no stake in the issue.

Will Kyo Ani ever adapt the 5th Hyouka novel? (Perhaps as a movie?)

Seems unlikely. They seem pretty dedicated to their current "adapt crappy submissions to their LN competition" plan, outside of special cases like Amagi Brilliant Park.

https://twitter.com/i_z_e_l_s/status/522215017954168833 Was your RT mocking this? I didn't understand izel's logic but I don't understand a lot of things :-(

Yep. He doesn't actually have any logic - he just hears the phrase "death threat" and assumes the person referring to it is making one. And he's actually one of the more prominent twitter gaters. This is actually pretty common in GG - they hear "power words" like 'victimization' being used by their "enemies," and then just apply them to their own cause without really understanding what they mean. Words are just rhetorical devices they've heard have authority, not actually tools for correctly defining situations.
Liked by: Daniel J. Guevara

If I enjoyed the shit out of JoJo, would you recommend me Kill Bill? (A quick google seems to tell me yes)

Yeah, I'd definitely check out Kill Bill. Also Battle Royale.

Have you heard of the VN 'Analogue: A Hate Story'? If not, I highly recommend it.

I own it, actually. Just haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

Do you answer hypothetical questions with possible spoilers on this site?

I try to avoid it when I can. Often I just won't answer "what do you think of HUGE SPOILER"-type questions.

Do you agree with it being the cultural logic of late capitalism?

Postmodernism? I'd have to see that argument.


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