

Ask @B0bduh

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Why are TV-Tropesy nerds ranking "feels" in tiers?

Because we're living the database, whoa-oh. Everything's gotta be quantified and categorized.
Liked by: Mel

If someone were to watch the Monogotari series, which one would they start on? I've looked it up but I can't seem to find any answers for this.

Rose Bridges
Bakemonogatari. The series goes Bakemonogatari (which is 15 episodes, not 12)->Nisemonogatari->Nekomonogatari Kuro->Monogatari S2->Hanamonogatari

Would you ever do something like a "top novels" post? Given that I tend to like what you like in stories, it'd be cool to read, plus I'd love to see you cover something that isn't anime.

Yeah, probably. I want to get to more classics first though.

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Which makes for more entertaining fights, Stands or Nen?

Nen, easily. Nen is both more inherently compelling and better used by the author, at least so far.

According to fans the next arc in SAO will have Clannad tier feels. How do you feel about this?

Amused, mainly. What was the daughteru arc supposed to have, Angel Beats-tier feels?

In the future, do you think you'll continue to do one timestamp-writeup show along with the deluge of ANN content?

I would like to be able to do that, but currently my day job takes precedence because it allows me to eat food.

In some way, isn't Death Gun a combination of your favorite characters from Season 1, Sugou and Kuradeel?

Yes. Yes he is.

It's not fun to talk with ThatAnimeSnob. I was arrogant to think that a debate with him would go anywhere pleasant, wasn't I?

Yes. He is a very unpleasant and very likely unhappy person, and his philosophy is based not in actually engaging with art, but in proving his "power" and taste superiority. Do Not Engage.

Do you think the reason why many people seem to dislike ZnT's writing is because they focus more on plot and you're more concerned with themes?

Largely, yes. People are saying things like "I've seen better thrillers than this" and "this wouldn't happen in real life," which kind of indicate what frame they're applying to the show.

I'm just left wondering why people keep asking about the gay person in your book. Why would a characters sexuality matter unless the story explores it in some way? Note I haven't read your book, so for all I know the sexuality bits are quite important.

People care about the greater identities of characters they read about for all sorts of reasons! I'm very happy that people were invested enough in my characters to want to know more about them.

I'm shippin Steph x Kath rn. HOW DOES IT FEEL?

Aren't they strangely perfect, though?
This must be how Lelouch feels all the time.

Opinion on Nirvana? Kinda think it's some of the music that aged the worst and also had an awful influence on the american music scene at the time...

Never liked them, still don't. I'm not a fan of them or really any of the hard rock-influenced alt-rock of the 90s. My relevant impression of that period is stuff like Pavement and Cap'n Jazz.

Will you keep watching Terraformars ?

I'm on the fence. I'll probably check out the second episode and decide based on that one.

Umm what exactly does social justice and Adam Baldwin have to do with game journalism?

Some gamers are going crazy because of "feminist influences" in game journalism, and so they're rallying behind right-wing figures like Baldwin.
Liked by: Daniel J. Guevara

Which Monogatari character deserves more popularity, and which one deserves less in your opinion?

I can imagine something "deserving" more popularity if it lacks popularity due to obscurity, but I don't think "deserving more popularity" really works in the context of characters in a show. Characters are as popular as they should be - popularity doesn't mean anything beyond the proportion of fans who already like something.

Are any of the characters in your book gay?

Yes, but it doesn't come up in the narrative. One of a number of reasons I'm kinda sad I'll never get to write the second one - I was really looking forward to writing one particular romance subplot.


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