

Ask @B0bduh

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Did you have anyone look over your earlier works or was it largely self-editing from the beginning?

Self-editing. My only recent work that was edited by anyone else is Proof of Life.

I have a story I'd like to write, but I don't know how and I'm afraid of making a mess of things. Do you know anything that might help?

You WILL make a mess of things! If you're just starting to write fiction, there is basically zero chance your first try will not be terrible. And also your tenth try. And also your fiftieth try.
So don't give a fuck! Do it anyway. Writing is really hard, and all you can do is practice, and see your early works as learning experiences.

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Have you seen Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, or The World's End?

I've seen and enjoyed the first two. Haven't seen World's End yet.

I think you got the episode number in your ANN writeup wrong? 10, not 11

Nah, that's last week's episode of Shounen Hollywood. This week's one will be up soon

So what's with this Snow Crash book? Could it be considered so bad it's good?

It's by Neil Stephenson, and my impression of it was just that it's so bad it's bad. Snow Crash is That Dude Who Wore a Trenchcoat Back in High School: The Book.

I just spent 5 hours arguing with some dude about how misogynistic and disgusting SAO is with it's rape scenes and general story. He accused me of being a pervert who secretly enjoyed the rape scenes using crackpot psychology. How does one argue with such faulty logic?

By not arguing with it in the first place. That does not sound like an argument worth having.

Have you seen much of Guilty Gear Xrd?

Nope. I already suck at BlazBlue, I imagine I'll barely be able to make the characters move in Guilty Gear.

Well, does abortion have any significance in "all human beings right to live"? Look, if you think I'm being a whiny bitch just say it.

Nope. I don't think there's really any overlap between people's right to live and abortion.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Rankings for the anime of the year?

1. Ping Pong
2. Mushishi
3. Hunter x Hunter
4. Zankyou no Terror
5. Sekai Seifuku
6. Samurai Flamenco
7. Barakamon
or something like that.

Have you ever played Borderlands?

Yep! I played through the first one in co-op with one of my sisters. Fun game - they successfully turned Diablo into an arcade shooter.

Not the guy from before, but you should seriously check out The Stranger if you are looking for something else to put in your Literature backlog. Avoid Gilbert's translation at all costs; Matthew Ward's is miles ahead. One of my favorite pieces of written literature, but I read it at the right time.

Just picked it up.

Will you move Hunter x Hunter up your top shows list when it finishes or are just leave it where it is now?

I'm fine with where it is.

What do you think of the late Christopher Hitchens? Is he in the same vein as Dawkins?

I haven't read enough of his stuff to have a real opinion on him.

Where random moe girl head shows are typically shit, why does Girls und Panzer work?

It's just really good. Solid sense of humor, it's paced well, and the matches are actually really compelling. That's the main thing - Girls und Panzer is easily one of the best examples I've seen of conflicts that are illustrated in a way the viewer can understand and engage with them. Every match is a good time.

Really? Wouldn't HxH sort of classify for best of the year?

Oh right, Hunter x Hunter. That doesn't beat Ping Pong for me, but it does beat Zankyou.

Do you consider yourself a 'geek' or 'otaku', or do you reject those sorts of labels?

I don't really care about them one way or the other. I'd describe myself as a writer.

Man, that "Leigh Alexander is everything wrong with modern game jounalism" ask from a while back seems kind of prophetic now, huh?

Well yeah, this is all based in fears and resentments that have existed for years. I didn't really expect gaming's growing pains to explode in such a stark and revealing way, but there was bound to be /some/ friction - gaming journalism has just grown out of the medium's childhood a little faster than much of its audience has. And most of the people leaping on this are probably actual teenagers, who're pretty good at externalizing personal insecurities as big scary bogeymen.


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