

Ask @B0bduh

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Isn't the abortion issue way too difficult and sensitive to just say "this is right and that is wrong"?

Not really. That's like saying gay marriage is too difficult and sensitive an issue for clear answers - it's only controversial because we're still living in a fairly religion-influenced culture, not because the issue itself is fundamentally unanswerable.

When does HxH transition from consistent shounen to "setting the standard" shounen? The Hunter Exam arc was pretty fun, but not something that seems deserving of the praise the show earns later. Also I have to know if Leorio sticks around? He's pretty great.

I think it first gets really consistently fantastic at Yorknew City, but there are great moments throughout.
Leorio's sadly kind of sidelined after the early parts. He'll come back, though.

do you mind explaining why you thinkg dawkins is a troll?

Because he tends to frame his opinions in the most antagonistic way possible, like he's intentionally provoking people more to generate anger than discussion.

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I heard someone seriously claim that *Nintendo Power* was the pinnacle of objective, unbiased game journalism. I don't.... understand.

For a lot of people, games are 100% an escape, and game "journalism" used to support that - it was entirely confirmation and enthusiasm, a mixture of advertisements and thumbs ups to anything with competent production. Now we're getting actual cultural criticism, which involves self-reflection and putting things in a broader cultural context, and that's coming across as an attack to some people.

What do you think of Richard Dawkins?

He seems like one of the world's most high profile willful trolls. I agree with a lot of his views in a general sense, but I'm not sure if he does his positions harm or good.

Isn't the title of your essay kinda asking for trolls and misunderstanding? Asking for people to read your whole essay AND the title is a lot.

I suppose I could offer the choice of reading one or the other, if both is too much.
In seriousness, yeah, some people will be repelled by the title, but frankly, I'm probably not gonna get to those people anyway. My own response to the title is "heh, yep" - it's an irreverent truism, not a harsh condemnation. We like dumb stuff for dumb reasons, and if we can't admit that, then we probably take ourselves too seriously to have useful conversations about art.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Here the one thing that bothers me about you're essay, Are you saying we shouldn't let our media speak to us on a personal level or be moved by it emotionally? Doesn't that not defeat one of the fundamental purposes of art?

I am not really sure how you're drawing that from my essay.

You know, when I read your essay I didn't feel bad at all. But now that I know you might actually mean "Your taste is bad and so are you", I just feel hurt. It's like your saying it's okay to condemn others based on what they like to watch/play/read. So what if we don't want to talk about it!

Do you consider yourself entirely defined by your media? If yes, I think that's a bad thing. Are you unwilling to engage with the idea that your media might reflect awkward parts of yourself? Also a bad thing. Are you able to accept that maybe your media preferences are reflective of how you're not a combination of Einstein and Ghandi, but that's okay? Now we're getting somewhere.
The biggest thing my essay is proposing is that we actually need to think about our media identities. I'm not trying to coddle you because I think that's actually an important thing for people to think about. This stuff /actually has consequences/ - I think pretty much the entirety of this GamerGate nonsense comes down to people not being willing to consider the idea that media actually means stuff, and both impacts and is reflective of its consumers.
And again, if you actually /are/ willing to distance your identity from your media, then none of this should be particularly insulting. It's totally fine to chill out with dumb media at the end of a long day, but I think that becomes a problem if you consider that media /who you are/. Media reflects its consumers, but it doesn't have to define you.

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Any chance the new Trigger show will be anything more than a light novel adaptation cash grab?

There's always a chance. Well, not always, but yes, in this case I think there is. We'll have to wait and see.

How do you feel about Aldnoah's latest episodes?

I think it's recovered a great deal from its weak middle episodes. The characters are actually interacting, themes are being reflected, etc. It's not fantastic, but it seems solid now.

Have you read Albert Camus? A lot of your writing is reminiscent of themes from his works, especially The Plague, The Stranger, and The Myth of Sisyphus.

Nope. Maybe I should, then?

"Somewhat, yes. Your media preferences are both reflective of and inform your identity, not something completely apart from it." I don't know, I feel like that title contradicts your message. So I can judge others based on the media they enjoy? So there's no such thing as "just having fun"?

Honestly, I don't really think there is such a thing as "just having fun" - what is fun for you is reflective of your preferences, which are generally reflective of your identity. Therefore it's perfectly reasonable to have conversations about why you like the stuff you like, and what it may say about your existing beliefs and biases, and we need to be more willing to engage in those kinds of conversations. This is actually a big part of my message.

Speaking as someone with autism I find it offensive that anyone would abort a baby just because they might have a disorder. So people who have that condition are better off dead? Why don't I just kill myself then? Why deny a life to exist in the first place? Why be a nazi and "cleanse humanity"?

A particular pregnant women wanting to abort a pregnancy does not mean any living person is "better off dead." It's their choice, and saying otherwise is basically just a narrower version of the standard "fetus's right to live" anti-abortion argument. Mentioning nazis does not help your case.

What do you think about the mecha genre?

I'm vaguely predisposed against it. That is, I don't really see anything /wrong/ with mecha, but I have no interest in them for their own sake, and mecha shows often seem designed for people who are actively interested in robots doing robot things.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Are there any good (or at least not offensive) representations of gay /male/ characters in anime? I'm not asking about female characters because thank god Utena exists

The funny thing is, Utena /also/ probably has its best representatives of gay male characters, at least of what I've seen.
But Utena aside, er... hm. Shinsekai Yori isn't a meaningful example. Can't think of another one.
I assume the situation in manga is less dire. Though even there, a decent number are probably designed as fetishy stuff for women, and that's about as true to real-life experience as fetishy lesbians designed for men.

What if you had to viciously maul the puppy and eat it's still beating heart, and then display it's head on a pike out by the town square, in order to save the world?

Alright we're going pretty deep on this puppy scenario at this point.
Liked by: zackadavis

How many puppies would you draw the line at punching?

Basically any number, as long as we're not getting into monkey's paw "you save the world, but the world is subsequently buried in puppies you must punch" territory or something.

Would you punch a puppy if it meant saving the world?

Yes. I would punch any reasonable number of puppies if it meant saving the world.

Do you draw the line were abortion is acceptable/unacceptable, or do you think it is the women's choice what they do with their bodies?

Women's choice.


Language: English